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  Chai opened her eyes only to find herself in her old room. Everything was still in tact. The bed was covered in her favorite lilac colored sheets, framed pictures of her and her high school memories hung on the wall and she had small items all over the room since she could never keep it clean. The television was on as always and tuned into early morning cartoons since she never remembered to turn it off before knocking out to sleep.  Chai was horribly confused at how she ended up back in her house.

"Chai, how many times I have to tell you turn the damn TV off before you go to bed? Running up my electric bill, girl."

Chai's breath was snatched from her as her mother walked into her room to turn the TV off herself, figuring her daughter would be too lazy to do it herself since she had just woke up.

"Ma?" Chai stared in amazement. Her beautiful mother turned around and Chai was nearly brought to tears. She looked healthy. Her hair twisted-out and she was in the middle of getting dressed for the day ahead of her.

"Why you staring at me like that?" Evangeline asked as she eyed her teary-eyed daughter. Chai got up out of bed and wrapped her arms around her mother, nearly falling to her knees. She squeezed her mother tight as tears poured down her face. Words couldn't describe how happy she was to see her mother again.

"Ma, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry for leaving. It was the biggest mistake of my life and I'll never ever do it again. I love you so much." She hugged her even tighter.

Evangeline's hand rubbed against Chai's messy bed hair as she giggled, "I love you too baby."

Chai's heart warmed up and she felt was all a dream.

Just then, her mother hiccuped. Chai looked up as she saw Evangeline stumble, looking like she had to throw up. She let out a gut-wrenching cough and just then, blood started to spill from her mouth. She hiccuped once more before trembling to the floor.


Chai screamed as she sat down on the floor to cushion her mother's body. Evangeline quaked as she continued to choke on her own blood. Chai stared at her mother in agony as she screamed for help.


Saint lightly touched Chai's hands as she became more restless.

"MOMMA!" She screamed before shooting out of her sleep to Saint's sudden touch.

Saint snatched his hands back and held them up so she wouldn't be alarmed. He stepped back and allowed her to get some air as she panted. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and her heart thumped hard against her chest. Chai held her hands on her chest as the vivid image of her dying mother still floated around in her mind. Saint didn't know how to approach the situation. At first she was sleeping peacefully but then she started to twist and turn. She started to mumble small words and then her facial expressions turned sour. She seemed disturbed but she couldn't open her eyes. Next thing he knew, she started crying and then screaming. That's when he figured it was time to wake her up.

"Chai, are you okay?" He calmly asked her. He was starting to get really concerned and wondered if he should take her to the hospital. She didn't answer but he figured he should help the situation. He went to the bathroom next to his room and soaked a wash cloth in cool water. He then took a bottle of Advil and retreated back to his room to see the girl in the same position she was in before he left.

"Here's a cool towel." He handed her the towel to wipe her face and possibly cool her down. Chai accepted the towel and dabbed it across her face, forgetting that she had makeup on to conceal her healing blemishes. The more she dabbed, the more makeup came off and the more apparent her bruises became. Saint stared at the beautiful and damaged female in front of him. He became extremely uncomfortable and didn't know how to address it.

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