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After the meeting with his parole officer, Saint and Orlando decided to meet up and catch up over some wings and fries. They went to a local Wing Stop and ordered as much as thirty wings to fulfill their manly appetites. When their order was placed, they sat down at a table near the register and sipped on their fountain drinks as they got ready for a conversation.
They both had a lot to catch up on. Orlando wanted to tell him about his college experiences, his love life and put him on to some of the things that has been going on around the neighborhood. Saint was all ears. Talking about prison got depressing after awhile because that was the entire experience—depressing punishment. Talking about his experiences was the last thing he wanted to do.

Orlando started with his first order of business, "so I have to tell you about this girl I've been talking to."

Saint kept his lips on the straw as he looked up at his cousin ready to hear the story. Last girl Saint was aware of was back in their freshman year of high school. Saint could have sworn they were going to end up being high school sweethearts but then the girl cheated on him and left him for the guy she cheated with. Orlando was heart broken and took a break from females to focus on his studies. Graduation was his main focus from that point on. Saint was glad that he was doing well academically and finally giving love a second chance.

"Her name is Naomi and she's a fashion design major. Her parents are from Mali but she was born here in Chicago. She's so gorgeous, Saint." Orlando pulled up a picture on his phone.

Saint was taken back by the intensity of her dark skin. It was matte smooth but radiant. She had almond shaped eyes that harbored dark brown orbs. She was natural and sported a large puff that was bigger than her own head. What sealed the deal was her smile—a bright smile with pretty teeth that told a story of a happy spirit.

"Damn you sure she from around here? Don't see those kind of girls around."

"She's from Andersonville."

"Oh her parents must have money then."

Orlando agreed, "they own their own tax business. They also invest in certain stocks so they got money coming in from all different directions."

"Damn so how long you guys been talking?"

"Since February."

"Y'all fucked?"

"Mind your business." Orlando chuckled. Saint smiled and gave his cousin props. He couldn't deny that he had found himself a beautiful girlfriend. He just hoped that this girl wasn't about to fuck around and break his heart.

"I wish you the best, bro."

Orlando thanked him and by then the wings were ready. During the meal they started to talk about Orlando's college experiences and the drama around the neighborhood. Orlando was studying to be a mechanical engineer and he only had one more year left of college before he started pursuing his dream. Saint couldn't even explain how proud he was of his cousin for putting himself through college. He always knew Orlando would make something of himself and he was glad he didn't get involved in what he got involved in.

Once they were done eating they headed over to their neighborhood park where they used to hang out before Saint got incarcerated. It was all the same. Same rusty playground, same fast girls trying to get male attention and same basketball players who shot hoops from sunrise to sunset.

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