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   Chai's entire morning and afternoon was spent with her mother. They talked about everything from childhood memories, more stories about her father and future goals Chai had for herself. Brynn had joined the ladies after a few hours since she wanted to give them a chance to talk alone. Her mother's last wishes were fulfilled. She had her two babies by her side looking healthy and beautiful. She had her family back and she wished the moment could last forever.

Visiting hours were coming to an end so Chai and Brynn had to leave in the next forty five minutes. Chai didn't want to leave at all. She enjoyed her mother and her sisters company and she missed her family. She was well aware that once she got home she was in for a very harsh welcome back. She wanted to enjoy the little bit of happiness she was experiencing. It's worth it, she kept telling herself.

"Chicago you okay?" Her mother asked, noticing something off about her. Chai would often have moments where she zoned out to her own thoughts. A look of sadness and fear took over her expression which worried her mom.

"I'm fine," Chai fixed her face. She put on a smile and looked at Brynn who wasn't buying it. Brynn kept her opinions to herself for the sake of the peace but she was definitely going to ask Chai about what's been going on.

"You girls should probably get going. The nurse is going to come in and start rushing you guys out way before visiting hours end."

Brynn agreed which prompted Chai to get up from the comfortable chair she's been sitting on for the past several hours. Brynn leaned over and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek. She told Chai she'd be waiting in the car and once again left the two alone in the hospital room. Chai and her mother joined hands as Chai bent down and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too baby. I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

Chai nodded and squeezed her moms hand tighter before walking out the hospital room. Chai hadn't left the room all day and had completely forgotten  how to find her way out the hospital. She walked out through the double doors at the end of the hallway and found herself in the middle of another intersection. She sucked her teeth and went right which led her to another long hallway. She walked down the hallway and noticed double doors. She opened one of the doors expecting it to be an exit but she found herself in a room with only one occupant.

The sound of the swinging door alarmed Saint and his head quickly shot up as he stared at the intruder. Their eyes locked and the attractions commenced. Chai thought he was devilishly handsome and he  thought she was a one of a kind beauty herself. Silence took over the room since neither of them knew what to say or do.

"Um," Chai thought she should speak first since she was the one that barged in, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to barge in like that. I thought this was an exit."

"It's fine, ain't nothing was going on anyway. Are you lost?" Saint chuckled figuring that the hospital wasn't that big.

"Kind of...this is my first time here since, uh, birth."

Saint nodded, "I was just about to head out. I was waiting for my cousin and he should be outside soon. Would you like me to show you out?"

Chai felt rude saying no and she had no idea how to get to the main building. She nodded as Saint got up from his seat and walked towards her, closing the door behind him. The two walked slowly down the hallway as Saint pushed his hands in his pockets. He didn't know what to say but he couldn't pass on an opportunity to have a conversation with her. It had been a long time since he's talked to any girl and he thought Chai would be the perfect start.

"So what's your name?" Saint asked her.

"Chai," she stuck with her nickname. She returned the question, "and yours?"

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