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Saint dropped the bag of money on top of Crispin's desk first thing once the volunteer shift started. They were both waiting for everyone to arrive and Saint decided to present the good news before everyone else got there. Crispin eyed the bag before slowly unzipping it, revealing bands on top of bands.

"How the fuck?"

Crispin's cigar almost dropped from his lips as he eyed the bag of gold. It was that same exact expression Saint lived for. Crispin's excitement ran short once he started to think about how Saint could've possibly gotten the money.

"How did you get this?"

"Does it matter?" Saint asked since he was ashamed to tell him the truth.

"Yes it does," Crispin said, "I understand there's a lot to feel sorry for, but please do not get into any trouble on my behalf. It's not worth it, you just got out of jail and—"

"Look man, I ain't gon' stand here and lie to you about how I got this money. It wasn't an honest earning but it's enough to get this place back in shape."

"But why? Why go to that extreme?"

"You need the money—your family needs the money. You have only a few months and you know you wasn't about to make ten thousand within that time frame. Don't worry about how I got the money, just know everything is taken care of."

"I can't take this money Saint. I care about you, kid. I've been around long enough to know that no gangsta about to let you borrow that type of money without something big in return."

"If you care about me then you'd take this money because God knows the night I had..."

He counted down the seconds until it was all over. He clenched his eyes tightly together before hearing a door slam open. Saint opened his eyes for a split second as he noticed a man storming out and over to his two goons.

"What the hell is this? Why you opening my shit?"

Saint assumed the man was Senegal. Senegal looked at his partner and eyed him with great concern. He knew the protocol—when a drop was made, he was supposed to bring the person and the supply to him so they could inspect together and make an official trade.

"I was just making sure it was all here, man."

"Since when we do that nigga? You supposed to bring him and the shit to me! Don't you ever put ya' hands in my supply again or I'll have ya' blood all over this floor." Senegal threatened as he looked over to his other partner who had a gun up to Saint's head. Senegal saw this type of scene before and he knew exactly what the men were trying to do.

"Y'all tryna' rob me." Senegal stated as he put the puzzle pieces together.

At this point, the two men were in fear. The plan was to take a couple bags for themselves and whatever Senegal found missing, he was going to take up with either Saint or Darius. He'd never suspect one of his own to betray him like that, so in their mind it was the perfect plan.

Senegal chuckled before reaching behind him to pull out a gun, quickly busting a cap in one of their legs as punishment for the betrayal. The man cried as he was shot down to the ground, blood oozing from his thigh.

Saint had never been so nervous.

The man who held the gun up to Saint quickly sprung into action as he aimed his gun at Senegal. He released a bullet, but it missed and went straight through his warehouse. Senegal chuckled as he shot a bullet straight through the young man's skull, sending him down to the floor for good.

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