
436 18 1

𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 & 𝓑𝓪𝓭

Jumping to the left side of the conflict, I charge behind one of the enemy's back, slicing one of their legs and both of their arms, causing him to scream in pain and alert the others of my arrival. They turned around, guns aimed at my body, and began shooting at me, dodging most bullets. I managed to reach two of them and cut their throats, taking one of their guns and using their body as a shield to get closer to the others. I shot three in the head, one on his side, and reach Dashio, dropping the bloody body with a million holes in it. I kicked his gun out of his hand and cut his arm. He fell back down and held onto his injured arm "hello" I greeted teasingly looking down at him, he glared at me in return.

"[y/n]-Chan!" yelled Oikawa and Ushijima as they approached me. Oikawa opened his arms and ran into me, wrapping his arms around my waist and embracing me "GAH! FUCKING LET GO OF ME SHITTYKAWA!" I yelled attempting to break free from his death hold, as he nestled closer "Why did you leave me with this lunatic!" he cried, crying crocodile tears "HUH?" I shouted "he continued whining during our expedition," Ushijima then stated, seemingly out of nowhere. I arched an eyebrow at him and asked, "Really now?" I said he nodded in reply "why wouldn't I complain about being with this buffoon he was the one who stalked me throughout my teenage years saying 'YOu SHouLd oF cOmE tO SHiTTyzAwA'!!" Oikawa complained I deadpanned at him "it seems like my younger self made an awful mistake," Ushijima whispered, but not low enough for me and Oikawa to hear "EXCUSE ME?" Oikawa then said shocked at Ushijima's remark. Ushijima looked aside and like it was nothing "DID YOU HEAR THAT [Y/N] DEAR! THAT DARM OLIVE IS MAKING FUN OF ME!!" Oikawa sobbed and wrapped his arms around me even tighter. "DAMN IT SHITTYKAWA!" I yelled trying to get Oikawa off me but I then felt two strong arms wrap around me and pull me towards their chest I looked up towards the culprit, Ushijima, and he looked down at Oikawa with disgust and anger and Oikawa in return glared back at him you could see the invisible lighting in between the two idiots.

I sighed at their small squabble. "Hey!" a voice hollered out, startling us three to look over to the source of the voice. Dachi came jogging over to us, followed by Sugawara. "hi," I said, smiling at the two detectives as they approached. "hey," Dachi responded, smiling, "so how-" "hey." Dachi was interrupted by Oikawa and Ushijima, who greeted him with a deadpan expression. "Uh hey," he replied, lifting a brow, "well um, how did- wait is that Dashio?" Dachi inquired, ignoring the two strange behaviours and pointing at the limping man. I turned and glanced over at where he was pointing, "hmm, to be honest, I forgot he existed," I sighed and went after him. Dashio peered behind him after hearing light footsteps, but as he saw me approaching, he let out a girlish scream. I tackled him to the ground "oof," he groaned as he fell to the ground. I then flipped him over so his front was on the ground and tied his hands together "good attempt, I guess," I remarked as I pulled him to his feet. making him grumble. "Wonderful job, darling!" Oikawa complimented me from behind "thanks" I said disregarding his comment and throwing Dashio towards Oikawa he caught him and then pushed Dashio off himself making him drop onto the floor "sorry I don't connect with snakes" he said crossing his arms and turning away I chuckled at his antics as Dashio began to have steam coming out of his ears.

"Good job, you captured him." Dachi expressed relief, then took out his phone and texted Kita to notify him that we had obtained Dashio. I stretched  "welp, seems like we're done, let's head back shall we?" I proposed they all nod, excluding Dashio of course.


"Heyyy'' I called out once the five of us arrived in the parking area there were seven people in a van hands tied behind their backs, people who had bandages, bandaids and bruises littered on their bodies and deceased allies with a white cloth over their bodies. "I see you've caught Dashio," a bandaged Kita stated coming up to us, "indeed," I chirped happy that this was finally over, "excellent work you four," he praised, "thank you, sir!" the four of us responded.Kita brought Dashio to the van with the other seven Yabika members, and then we all split apart.  Anki approached me "[y/n]!" he called out I turned to face him "oh hey Anki, what's up?" I asked "I-I simply wanted to say, nice work, boss!" he said, beaming at me I glanced at him, astonished, and smiled sweetly in reply, "right back at ya kid," I said, ruffling his hair, and he giggled at my gesture pulled my hand away from his head and continued walking towards our car, where Ubisity and Akire awaited, with Anki trailing close behind. "So tell me, Anki," I began, as he glanced up, puzzled, "who was caught?" I asked "oh! the people who were captured are Chikara Ennoshita, Kazuhito Narita, Suguru Daisho, Naoyasu Kuguri, Akinori Konoha, Taketora Yamamoto, Shigeru Yahaba and Tatsuki Washio"  Anki informed me, gazing down at a clipboard 'where the hell did that clipboard come from?' I asked myself "alright schedule a meeting with them individually, I'm going to play detective," I replied, and Anki nodded. "There you two are, we've been waiting for HOURS!" Akire exaggerated I rolled my eyes "missions aren't five-minute tasks" I said raising a brow at her "well make it a five-minute task" she said crossing her arms "you're basically asking me to do the impossible" I said deadpanning she pouted "you know what she can make possible?" Ubisity said Akire looked over at him "what?" she asked "your showers by making the water turn cold" Ubisity answered I grumbled "THAT WAS ONE TIME, YOU WHERE TAKING TOO LONG IN THE SHOWER I NEEDED TO GET READY TO SLEEP IDIOT" I argued entering the passenger seat "WELL YOU COULD HAVE KNOCKED INSTEAD OF CUTTING OFF THE HOT WATER DUMBASS" Ubisity argued back entering the car as well.

This was going to be one loud car ride.


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