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𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓶

I sighed as I stared down at the brown wooden floor with furrowed eyebrows, negative thoughts swarming my head 'I say give it a shot, my ass' I thought to myself and looked up at a wooden door ''fuckkkkkkk'' I groaned out loud and gripped my suitcase handle a bit tighter deciding to get this over and done with I pushed the door open. Everyone's head turned toward me, there was a table in the middle of the room and the leaders were seated at their desired seats with their team standing behind them "hello everyone" I greeted "hello [y/n]-chan!" a high pitched voice replied I grumbled "hello..." I greeted back "greetings," Sakusa said I smiled at him the rest nodded their heads in reply. "Okay let's get to the point shall we" I suggested putting my suitcase onto the table. I took out a projector and turned it on then walked over towards the front of the table and pull down a screen projector "Ladies and Gents, this screen shows a PowerPoint of my plan to take down Pheonix" I informed ready to share my idea "we're not helping you" Kita said suddenly, I froze the room became quite.

"What?" I asked "we're not helping you" he repeated, "Why not?" I asked eyebrows furrowed "we've just killed the Yabika's and put an end to that war, we need time to res-" "No we didn't end 'that' war yet!" I exclaimed cutting Kita off he glared at me "How come you won't help me when I helped you?!" I asked enraged he stayed silent. A cough came from my right I turned towards the sound  "listen [y/n] we would love to help you and when I mean 'love' I do mean it, but we are currently needing to rest our members before we make another move" Dachi informed I sighed and crossed my arms unsatisfied with the outcoming results.

"If you all won't help me then I will do it alone," I announced glaring at them all "WHAT!?" everyone exclaimed jumping out of their seats while I kept quiet "no no no, you can't do that!" Oikawa said "are you insane!?" Kuroo exclaimed "WHAT THE FUCK!??" Sakusa yelled. My eye twitched Tanaka grabbed both of my shoulders "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??" he cried shaking me "thinking of the right thing" I replied ticked off "no, you aren't" Kita said "say's the one who thought bringing all mafia organisations together - which, let me remind you, wanted to target each other to be number one, just to take down one single organisation" I retorted back and look straight at him in the eye "and yet it worked out, did it not?" he replied, "it did, congrats, but what says this won't work out?" I challenged. "Listen [y/n], what you are planning is insane" Sakusa commented I whipped my head over to him then shrugged Tanaka's hands off me and stalked up to Sakusa "Insane? we all are fucking insane, even the detectives, even the governor. We all are a little insane, some more than others, it's just the world deeming you crazy for doing the wrong thing but if you do something right you are rewarded as a hero even if they called you insane during the process but if you failed to do the right thing you are an insane piece of shit!" I said in his face.

The room fell silent Sakusa's face was emotionless. I move away from his face but was pulled back when he reeled me back with his right hand "Listen here and listen carefully, I don't care what childish fantasy you have of getting revenge on that old man but you are not going into that building with your team, that is a death wish to you and your people. I don't plan on losing you to a fucking bullet so you better act in line before I make you dear" he said in a low tone. The tension in the room was suffocating I tsked and ripped my head away from his hand, I walk over to my suitcase and took it with me out of the room.


"Fuck this shit, fuck them all, fuck everything!" I yelled frustrated I threw the suitcase at the wall breathing heavily, I was in my office after that 'amazing' meeting. Groaning I run a hand through my hair trying to calm my mind.



"what the fuck?" I questioned looking over towards my phone and seeing a caller's ID, with caution I pick it up.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously

"YAHOOO [Y/N]-CHAN!~" a familiar voice screamed on the other side

"Oh god..." I whispered under my breath feeling my energy being drained away from me

"WHA! SO RUDE!" Oikawa exclaimed hurt

"What do you want?" I asked tired

"Well to say hi-" "Didn't you say hi to me at the meeting?" I said cutting him off

"Hmph" he commented which I can only imagine him pouting like a chipmunk with nuts in their cheeks [ stop :( ]

"What is the real reason you called me?" I asked raising a brow

"Well before you cut me off, I advise you to stay away from the mafia," Okiawa said his voice turning cold

"Pardon?" I said

"You need to stay away from them [y/n], for your own safety and others" He informed

"Why?" I asked confused 'what is this man on about I thought to myself

"You know how you left after Sakusa pulled that stunt?" He asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Well, when you left Kita asked him why he said that and why he touched you, Sakusa said he was trying to keep you from not dying but the Ushijama joined in and said that he shouldn't touch what is 'his', which hey is a red flag, then everything went downhill from there," He said I was silent conflicted with millions of feelings.

"So to sum it up they are obsessing over you and not just the leaders the meme bets of their team that were present" Okiawa said

I was silent, I had no words to say or even know what to think I was utterly confused about everything. How does talking about taking down Pheonix turns into a fucking obsession show?

"[y/n]?" Okiawa called concerned I quickly ended the call

I look down towards the floor 'what the flying fuck happened these past  few months?' I question myself.

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