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𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 & 𝓑𝓪𝓭

Interrogation room 1

'welp this is going just swell' I thought to myself as I sat in front of Narita who was not operating at all. As soon as I arrived at the meeting with the other leaders we were designed to our culprits as promised Kita assigned me to Dashio and Narita, Dachi and Suga to Chikara, Kuroo and Kenma to Noayasu, Bokuto and Akashi to Akinori, Sakusa to Taketora, Kita to Shigeru and finally Ushijama to Tatsuki. The interrogation rooms appear to be a simple empty room with a table in the middle, a single lamp hanging from the ceiling, two chairs on either side of the table facing each other, one of which was occupied by the suspect, and a folder containing a few sheets of paper placed on the table containing questions and information.

As I stared at Narita, I noticed that he was becoming increasingly nervous. Seeing this as an advantage, I smiled and opened the folder in front of me, pretending to read the information "Kazuhito Narita, am I correct?" I began, and his body jumped at my sudden voice, "yes you are dear," he replied trying to keep his cool, "okay good, do you want a smooth cooperation or do you want to cause some trouble?" I asked, leaning forwards and crossing my arms on the table. He shifted forward and smirked, "hard as you like it," he replied, looking me up and down. I deadpanned at him, "hard way, I guess." I said and moved back sighing as I looked at the questions on the sheet.

"First and foremost, what role did you specialise in?" I asked "I specialise in weapons and hacking," he said I nodded in response before moving on to the next question, "question number two, what did you want from that organisation?" "That's simple, hun, money," Narita answered, I rolled my eyes "question number three, were you forced to join or did you join willingly?" I asked Narita shaking his head "I joined willingly," Narita replied, "alright, question number four, who founded the Yabika organisation and why?" I asked. "The leader of Phoenix founded the Yabika's organisation; he promised my team and I a beautiful and peaceful life, that anything we desired would come true if we only brought something he 'rightfully' owned to him." Narita answered using air quotes at the word rightfully "and what's that?" I asked already knowing the dreaded answer "you," Narita said staring me down. I let out a small tsk under my breath, "of course, when will that bastard get off my ass," but it turns out I wasn't quite enough because Narita let out a small laugh, "what did he plan to do with me?" I asked, ignoring the questions written on the paper. Narita remained silent as he considered an answer."I'm sorry dear but I don't know, all I know is that us getting married played a part in it" he answered I stayed silent we both stared at each other not saying anything "did you wanted to get married during that time?" I asked, and he didn't respond because his thoughts were conflicted. "I- I don't know sugar..." he said hesitantly.

I sighed, seeing how perplexed he was, "alright, that's all I'll need from you Narita," I said, getting up. He nodded and remained silent as I walked out of the room, but before I closed the door behind me, Narita asked, "did you wanted to get married [y/n]?" he asked I was quite "I'm in the same boat as you, I don't know" I answered and closed the door behind me. I turned to my right and saw Semi and Tendou approaching where I was, "Oh hello [y/n]-san!" Tendou greeted "hello Tendou," I said flatly "greetings [y/n]-chan" Semi greeted "greetings Semi" I replied smiling at me "WHAT!?" Tendou exclaimed in surprise, and I sighed, "what?" I asked "WHY ARE YOU NICE TO HIM BUT NOT TO ME? THAT IS NOT RIGHT [Y/N]-SAN!!!" Tendou yelled, crying crocodile tears, "well maybe because he doesn't scream like you," I replied, and Tendou began to clung onto me "IF I STOP SCREAMING IS THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL LIKE ME I WILL STOP!!" He yelled "OI! YOU'RE SCREAMING RIGHT NOW AND GET OFF [Y/N]-CHAN!" Semi scolded and pulled Tendou off me I sighed "thank you Semi" I thanked. "No worries [y/n]-chan, oh and don't you have somewhere to go?" he asked "oh yes! thank you for the reminder" I thanked him once more and departed away from the two.

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