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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰.

"NO, MOM!" a 14-year-old boy screamed, he tried to get off the wooden floor but failed due to his legs being broken "sorry kiddo but this is karma for your little dumb thought of ratting us out" a female dressed in full black clothing had a joker mask covering her face said as she held the boy's mother with a knife at her throat and slowly slit the mother's throat as the mother begged the women to leave her and her son alone. Blood dripped down the mother's throat like raindrops onto the wooden floor, and the boy remained transfixed, unsure of what to do, then with a quick slice, in the end, The mother ended up being nothing more than a mutilated corpse with bruises and cuts all over her body, as well as a massive bleeding gash across her throat.

His eyes widened with tears picking at the sides fear and rage flooded his body from head to toe of the standing female in front of him "WHY?!, WHY HER, SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" He screamed at the unknown female, who shook her head and asked, "Why?" "You should've realized why I thought you were smart, but I guess not," she replied mocked as she let go of the boy's dead mother's body and let it fall to the ground with a thud as she walked up to the boy. "DON'T COME NEAR ME MONSTER!" He exclaimed 'Monster' rang in her mind like a chant as he raged at her, [e/c] as eyes turned to [f/c], the boy was perplexed as to why she had stopped, but he didn't care because he just wanted to get away from her. However, attempting to move away from her he then heard a chuckle coming from the unknown female's mouth, which turned into small laughter, which turned into hysterical laughter "you know kid, you're such a comedian!" the unknown female said as she approached him, lifting his chin to her face so they met eye to eye.

"You have such gorgeous eyes too~" she cooed as his brown eyes meet her icy, bloodthirsty [e/c] ones. "MY EYES!" he then yelled out in agony as his vision turned dark. He assumed he would die, but instead he felt tremendous pain and screamed in despair. He continued to scream, his hallow eyes now streaming blood instead of clear tears. "Sheesh Kid, clam down, you're going to give me a headache for crying out loud," she replied, rolling her eyes under the mask, "have any more last words?" she inquired "WH- WHO ARE YOU?!?" the boy was able to yell, the female laugh before bending down to the boy's ear and whispering "your worst nightmare" Before she slashed the boy's throat clean his lifeless body dropped to the ground like his mother, crimson blood splattered on her clothes and the floor.

The young lady then touched her earpiece. "It's done, send me a car," she said. "Roger," the other line replied. As she was about to go, she placed a red spider lily on the boy's body and walked to the front of the house, where a black car awaited her arrival, she unlocked the door and got in "how was it boss?" the driver said she removed her mask and smiled at the driver "pleasant" she said gleefully and smiled at the driver as they drove to the base.


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