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𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓶

we all landed on the hardwood floor of the office white glass shards now covering the floor I stood up and walked around the area "okay let's split up I will go to the eastern side, Ubisisty, western side, Akire, northern side and Anki, southern side" I ordered they nodded and we departed. I entered a room that looked like to be a master bedroom I kept quiet and listened for any sounds or any movement I then heard someone walking out of the bathroom "ah sweetie, it's you" a disgusting familiar voice spoke I looked over towards the mistake of a father "don't call me that" I said aiming my gun at him "ah why so hostile" he said and walked over towards his desk "come have a seat, I've gotten pizza hut" he said and opened the box revealing a pineapple pizza a memory triggered in my brain "I fucking hate pizza" I said he chuckled "don't be rude" he said biting into a slice of pizza and swallowed he food "plus rudeness doesn't get anyone anywhere" he said I raised a brow he then snapped his fingers and footage of people dying were visible but not any normal people, my soldiers. 'YOU FUCKER!" I yelled and punched him the pizza dropped to the floor "always was a great puncher slut" he commented holding his cheek I breathe heavily "well anyhow it is time to join that annoying brother of yours," he said and snapped his fingers again. Guards opened the door wearing black helmets and gear "kill her" he ordered them but they didn't do anything not even lifting their weapons "well? kill her!" he ordered again yelling yet they just stood there "I don't think we will" a familiar voice announced I looked over to the owner and saw Kita. My breath stopped "hello dear" Kita greeted smiling at me I didn't say anything back but the bastard started laughing loudly "I see I see, you killed my men with your boyfriend to trick me! ah, you little sly bitch!" he cursed raging I shook my head "no I-" I looked over towards him and couldn't talk I didn't even know what to say Kita chuckled "well actually call this a kidnapping because you both are becoming hostages," Kita said aiming a gun at me "what?" I said looking back at Kita but feeling something stab me I touch my neck and pull out a tranquiliser "night dear" Kita cooed as I fell closing my eyes.


it has been 2 weeks since they captured us I was isolated in a small bedroom while they put that bastard in a cell. It surprises me that they kept Anki, Akire and Ubisity alive claiming that they were special to me which I am grateful for but Kita then confessed to me saying that they are going to keep me in this room, they all love me. but this isn't love it's obsession. Oikawa was right he was so fucking right but even he is obsessed with me. Every second is always spent with someone, either from the mafia or detective agency it didn't matter they've both have became a one-sided group. I stared at the mood through my caged window a rare time to be alone wishing to be back home in my safe space with Anki, Akire and Ubisity where we would spend the time laughing our asses off at each other or watching a movie together with a few other co workers or even just do anything. I miss everyone and I've failed everyone. I was then pulled out from my thoughts when I looked over towards the door when I heard clattering on the handle 'shit' I thought but once it opened I didn't expect to see a tuff of brown hair "hey boss" Akire said smiling my mouth was opened "let's get out of this hell hole" she said I smiled and got up from my spot.

We ran down the hallway towards the front door "so Ubsisity and Anki are outside?" I asked "yeah it's best we leave now" she suggested I let out a hmm of agreement and we reached the front door, she opened it and as quickly as the door opened the smile on my face fell. The whole gang was there surrounding Anki and Ubisity who looked badly beaten up "ahh so good of you to join us" Suga said smiling at us Akire looked conflicted I gulped taking a step back but felt a chest behind me I looked back and saw Ushijama behind us I looked back at the group.

"So you've escaped" Dachi hummed looking amused I furrowed my brows "you see we don't accept this type of behaviour [y/n]" Dachi said making a sad face I tsked getting angry "and punishment is needed" Kita then spoke aiming his gun at Anki's head. Anki's eyes widen "which one would you like to die, dear?" Kita asked smirking a lump in my throat appeared the air was tense "how about a deal?" I asked finally speaking "oh? intrigue me'' Kita said "I stay here with you all and they get to leave," I said "what? hell no!" Ubisity yelled "[y/n] don't do this" Akire pleaded Kita hummed "deal," he said and then ordered atsumu and osamu to untie the two on the ground they got up reluctantly "you heard her, leave," Kita said they stood still for a moment and left slowly Akire stayed by my side a bit more than the others but had to leave. I watched them leave through the gate but three gunshots were heard. I watched as their bodies fell in slow motion "NO!" I screamed tears in my eyes their bodies thumped onto the ground "WE HAD A DEAL!" I screamed at Kita "and they did" Kita said shrugging his shoulders "I MEANT LEAVE THIS HELL" I cried "well be more speific next time" he replied carelessly anger filled my body as tears streamed down my cheeks "aww dear don't cry, say Ushijama why don't you take her to her room please" Kita said Ushijama nodded and walked my back towards my room and then pushed into the room I've grown to hate and left me there letting me shed more tears onto the wooden floor.

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