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𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓶

"Hey sexy, how's the plan going?" a cheerful voice spoke entering my office "end me Akire" my tired voice responded as my face lay on the wooden table. Akire sighed "okay what's wrong?" she asked growing concerned "EVERYTHING!" I exclaimed lifting my head up from the table "uh huh" she said raising an eyebrow at me "don't look at me like that" I said pouting she giggled at my comment I groaned and slammed my face back down onto the table "maybe Sakusa was right, I just want to fight Pheonix for my own selfish needs" I mopped. Akire stood in silence looking down at my mopping figure then let out a small sigh "listen here girl, that man Sakusa is just being salty we are very much prepared to fight we've gotten more members than the original amount!" she reasoned "we have?" I question flabbergasted "YEAH! we've got around 30K members," she said excitedly with stars appearing in her eyes "wow... I remember only have what 230, 240 members?" I said, "250 to be precise!" Akire corrected happily "but... it's Pheonix we're talking about" I said putting my hand on my chin "well we have the others to help! so ask them" Akire suggested "yeah but they will definitely say no..." I replied, "yeah now that I think of it..." Akire commented. We think in silence until Akire speaks up "I say take the risk, who knows they might say yes" Akire said I sighed "I guess it won't hurt to give it a shot" I said she giggled "perfect! I will go ahead and make you some coffee!" Akire said clapping her hands together I smiled at her warmly "thanks Akire, what would I do without you" I thanked her faltered a bit and just giggled "well you would burn this whole base to the ground" she replied I chuckled as she left.

It was quiet I stared at the door Akire left my smile gone replaced with a stern look 'something's wrong'.

AceCard's Kitchen

Akire hummed as she made coffee for [y/n] a smile plastered on her face "what are you planning?" A salty voice called out Akire turned away from the coffee machine to face Ubisity "what do you mean?" she asked tilting her head "you know what I mean Akire don't act so oblivious" Ubisity replied unamused Akire tsked "I'm just making her coffee" she said crossing her arms "yeah that poison says otherwise..." Ubisity said trailing off and staring behind her. Akire then blocked his point of view and glared at him "last time I checked anything I do is none of your business" she said "mhmm and last time I check [y/n] won't get killed easily with poison" Ubisity retorted back irritated "oh shut the fuck up, how's your boy toy going, dick?" Akire said putting the poison away Ubisity tsked "he isn't a boy toy" He said "sure, then what is he a part of our plan!?" Akire then screamed throwing her arms in the air "no-" Ubisity answered by getting cut off by Akire "SO IF HE ISN'T WHY ARE YOU FLAUNTING YOURSELF WITH HIM HUH!?, I BET YOU TOLD HIM OF OUR PLAN DIDN'T YOU?!" Akire accused pointed at him Ubisity stood still looking blankly at her as her tears began to build up in her eyes "what I do is none of your concern" Ubisity then answered "IT IS BECAUSE-" now Ubisity was the one to cut Akire off "because we were together?" Ubisity asked raising a brow at her Akire bit her tongue "I know why you're doing this" Ubisity started off advancing towards her slowly. Akire moved back but she was stopped by the kitchen counter behind her "I know that you hate this job, I know you only came here for me, I know how many nights you spend here you can only dream of me, I know that accepting Pheonix's deal is the only way you can get close to me, I know you are planning to kill Anki" Ubisity confronted standing in front of her he grabbed her chin and moved his mouth next to her ear "you're so transparent darling" Ubisity whispered and walked away from her.

Akire was left in the room along her face down towards the ground, fists clenched, a red hue covering her face and tears falling onto the stone floor 'fuck fuck fuck fuck-' her mind kept repeating the same word like a mantra. How could she be so transparent? how could he easily see that she still wants him? how does he easily do that and then move back to his play toy? how could he throw away those days they spent together away like nothing? why? WHY?! Akire couldn't take it anymore she can't deal with her heart hurting every time she sees him with Anki smiling or flirting in the open like that, does Anki even know that Ubisity used to do that to her when they were younger when they were dating? she doesn't know. Akire slowly falls onto the floor her legs giving up, she felt weak, used, outraged and useless. "Why is it so easy for you to act like we were nothing?"  she whispered unable to hold back sobs.

Inarizaki base

"So why are we here Kita?" Ojiro asked his boss, the main 6 were sitting in the meeting room, "well Ojiro. Atsumu, Osamu, Suna and I have come up with a plan" Kita informed "what plan? I thought we were done with the Yabikas?"  Akagi asked tilting his head "well actually Akagi... This is about [y/n]" Kita said. Akagi and Ojiro raised a brow at their boss Kita sighed "we know that we all are getting obsessed with [y/n]" Kita confronted they froze "we- we aren't" Ojiro retired "you're not fooling anyone Ojiro" Kita said. Ojiro sighed "okay so what if we all are getting obsessed over her, what do you plan to do? kill us?" Ojiro asked raising a brow "no, we are going to share this plan with the others tomorrow" Kita replied, "why?" Akagi asked "because they're and slowly realising that they're becoming possessive" Kita answered

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