Chapter 1 : Prologue

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On 10th October..The strongest Tailed attacked Konaha.

Minato Namikaze defeated Kyuubi along with Hiruzen Sarutobi and Jiraiya and Tsuande.

The Charka was divided equally and given to Mito and Narumi Uzumaki Namikaze. The Soul of Kyuubi however was sealed inside Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto.

Mito and Narumi were Elder whereas Naruto was youngest.


Kushina Uzumaki was lying on Hospital Bed. She was exhausted. The Kyuubi was released from her body. She survived because Uzumaki Clan's Long life and Stamina.

"Minato...The burden is now passed on to our children now.." said Kushina in somber tone. 

Minato flinched at her state. Honestly..He was used to cheerful and Hot headed Kushina. Seeing her in such state made his heart ache.

"Kushina..I swear you're children will not be treated like other Jinchūriki.." said Minato with sheer determination.

"That's right.." said Jiraiya as entered in room.

"We will raise them to control Kyuubi's charka..and make sure they become Hero's of Konaha.." said Jiraiya.

"That's right! I will spoil these three! Granny's love!" shouted Tsunade.

The mood lighted.

"T-That's right!" shouted Kushina in confidence.

"Sensei! Are you alright!?" barged in Kakashi Hatake.

"Kushina-nee!!" hugged Rin. 

Kushina hugged her back.

"Oi! Where are my brother and Sister!" said a cheerful Obito.

Obito looked at Three kids. 

"They're so cute.." said Obito.

"I know right! I will be there big sister!" shouted Rin.

Kakashi smiled.

"By the way Jiraiya..Where is Orochimaru.." asked Tsuande.

"I am here..." said Orochimaru as barged in room. His body was clothed with Blood.

"Orochimaru!!" shouted Everyone.

Tsuande instantly laid him in bed and started healing him.

"How did this happened!?" shouted Tsuande.

"Minato..That Masked man.." said Orochimaru.

"What about him!? Did he do this..?" asked Minato in anger.

"Yeah..He was Uchiha..Madara!" shouted Orochimaru.

Everyone froze in room.

"W-Wait! W-what!?" asked Kakashi. He was first to recover from shock.

"That's utter Bullshit..! He is dead from Decades..!" shouted Obito.

"Do you think I am lying!?!?" roared Orochimaru.

"No..! B-But!" said Rin.

"I saw Sharingan too.." said Minato and other gasped.

"That man is still alive.." said Tsuande.

"If things have come to this..then I might as well as tell you this..." said Jiraiya in serious tone.

"What..?" asked Minato in worried tone.

"The Toad has given the prophecy..The world will face a great calamity! The whole Shinobi world will tremble in Fear...Few Shinobi will rise and  save the world!" said Jiraiya.

There was a silence.

"I think it's Mito and Narumi..." said Jiraiya in low voice.

"And why not Naruto..?" asked Hiruzen who just entered room.

"He doesn't have Kyuubi Charka! No offense but we're talking about Sake of World.." said Jiraiya.

"'s true.." said Minato.

Everyone looked at him.

"Minato..we have to start Their Training when they reach their age.." said Jiraiya.

Everyone nodded.

Hiruzen looked at them. He sighted.

"Since Minato Body has taken a damages..I and Minato both will share Hokage's power..Is it fine with you Minato..?" asked Hiruzen

Minato nodded.

Minato and Hiruzen teleported in Council room. They were launched with many questions.

"Silence!!" shouted Minato. 

Everyone became quiet.

"Kyuubi has been defeated..." said Minato calmly.

Everyone shouted cheering.

"I have sealed the Charka of Kyuubi in My two eldest daughters..However They're not Kyuubi. They just possess their powers!" shouted Minato.

Everyone nodded.

"They're Princess of Konaha!"


 "And Soul?" asked Danzo. 

Everyone became quiet.

"My son..Naruto. However! He is not Kyuubi! He just holds his Soul! Kyuubi and Naruto are two different person!" said Minato

"Kill him!"



"Silence!!!" roared Hiruzen. 

"Naruto is not Demon..or anything! If you try to Harm him..I will Kill you.." said Minato in deadly tone.

"Yeah..There is huge difference between Scroll and Kunai..Scroll holds the Kunai but it cannot hurt someone..however Kunai is sharp and can  hurt someone.." said Fugaku.

"Indeed..." said Hiashi Hyuga.

"Troublesome.." muttered Shikaku.

Every clan head nodded.

However things never go as planned.

Immediately after Council meeting was over..The news spread like fire. Mito and Narumi were deemed as goddess however Naruto was  declared Demon.

However No one said it loud and internally they hated Naruto.

This was the beginning of Story of Uzumaki Naruto...  


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