Chapter 18

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Naruto was standing on railing. Along with him were rest of rookie who were waiting to start.

Naruto was in however in deep thought..

'That Toad sage will keep an eye on me..Not me mention Minato will keep me under watch now..'

Suddenly Yellow Flash enveloped room and Minato along with Kushina was there. All Jonin were present as well.

"Now we will begin our exams..Those who will pass these matches will make to finals. If someone wants to quit..You're more than welcome too.." said Minato.

Guren raised her hand and walked away.

"We will start Exams now..Cough..Come according to your name when displayed on screen.." said Hayate.

The screen opened revealing Sasuke Vs Choji.

Sasuke looked confident while Choji was hecka nervous.

Mikoto was watching from Audience section while Itachi was nodding at Sasuke and gave a quick glance at Naruto.

Sasuke Vs Choji

Sasuke looked and Choji. Surprisingly Sasuke nodded in respect while Choji returned the gesture.

Sasuke went towards Choji and attempted to kick him but Choji used paper Bombs and whole Area was filled with smoke.

Sasuke activated Sharingun and spotted Choji. He moved towards him when suddenly Choji weaved sign.

"Multi Size Technique!" said Choji as his Body expanded like a balloon and moved towards Sasuke in great speed.

Sasuke used Handsigns.

"Fire Style : Great Fire Ball Jutsu!" said Sasuke as a fire ball was launched in his direction.

Choji immediately changed direction. Sasuke smirked and threw pointed needles on ground. Choji felt pain and immediately deformed.

Sasuke came behind him and put a Kunai on his neck.


Choji sighted and nodded.

"Winner Uchiha Sasuke! By Surrender!" said Hayate.

"You fought well.." said Sasuke.

"Thanks. You were amazing too!" said Choji.

Mikoto smiled while Itachi nodded proudly.

The screen lit up again revealing Shino Vs Zaku

Shino moved calmly towards Arena while Zaku who was left with one hand smirked.

"Good Luck Shino!" said Narumi cheerfully.

"Do your best.." said Hinata.

Shino nodded.

Shino Vs Zaku

Shino pointed his hand towards Zaku and many bugs attacked him. Zaku uses his hand to create wind pressure and remove them from way.

When they disappeared Zaku's Vision cleared where he couldn't spot Shino.

Suddenly he felt pain as his waist when Shino kicked him with chakra coated leg. He fell on ground.

"Please Surrender.." said Shino.

"Shut the fuck up! I am strong!" shouted Zaku.

Zaku moved towards him and attempted to punch him and but Shino doged him easily. Zaku kept attacking him in attempt to injured him but couldn't.

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