Chapter 40

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Naruto watches Konaha Shinobi that are moving onward Ame Direction. He sighed and transformed into Civilian. He looks around and looked in satisfaction. The suffering face of people of Konaha. It was delight to him.

He isn't done with Konaha yet. They still have to suffer. And they will.

Naruto walked calmly at Namikaze's estate and knocked it. All Anbu around the House were knocked out.

Kushina opened the Door and peaked outside.


Kushina was send flying on the ground. Naruto entered House Calmly and closed Door. Narumi came Downstairs and looked at Kushina.

"What happened-YOU!" said Narumi. Narumi charged at Naruto and tried to kick him. Naruto caught it in a finger and threw her away.

"N-Naruto.." said Kushina.

"Stay Calm. I am here to take you.." said Naruto.

"We are going no where! You will die today-"


Naruto slapped Narumi and Narumi looked in shock and touched her cheeks.

"Silence. You're insolence." said Naruto darkly.

Naruto made a shadow Clone and send him inside Minato's study Room.

The shadow Clone came and handed him a scroll.

Naruto grabbed Kushina and Narumi and was about to go when he felt Door open. He looked calmly and saw Mikoto entering House.

''Kushi-" Naruto knocked Mikoto out and grabbed three of them. He used Hirashin and teleport-ed.

Minato made Hand-signs and slammed on Ground. 

They were currently at Borders of Ame and were about to attack. There is good amount of Trust that Akatsuki's Base is here. 

A golden Light appeared from his Fist and Bold letters emerged.

"The Toad Contact has been suspended for a while."

"What!?" asked Minato.

"How can this be!?"

"Toads aren't coming!?"

"I have never heard about something like this!?" 

"Hokage-sama. We can use Crows.." suggested Itachi and Minato sighed but nodded.

The Army entered Ame and saw Soldiers standing and ready for fight. Ame became War Land for few Hours.

Jiraiya who was sitting in Hospital looked in shock. The Toad Contact is not working!?

"What in the world is happening!?!" shouted Jiraiya.

Orochimaru looked at sky from Hospital bed.


"Konaha is attacking on Ame!?" asked A.

"Yes sir. Reports said that after Akatsuki destroyed Konaha..They figured out Akatsuki Hideout is in Ame." said Mabui.

"That was unexpected from Konaha.." said a Councilor.

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