Chapter 32

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1 month Later

"Hokage-sama!" said A chunin.

"What is it?" asked Minato.

"Someone is...falling from sky!" said Chunin.

Minato used Flash and came on Top of Hokage Building . He looked at sky and his eye widen.

Kushina suddenly had a bad feeling.

"What is it Kushina?" asked Mikoto.

"A bad feeling..."

Yakumo eye opened in a Dark room and smiled.

"It was inevitable.." said Yakumo.

Satsuki was laying on Floor with Sharingan activated.

"I know.."

Jiraiya summoned Toads.

"Get Ready..Something is about to happen.."

Mito and Narumi eye widen and looked at sky.

Shikamaru eye widen in Fear when he heard a shout.

Sasuke ran out of Forest.


Tsunade grinned.

"Uzumaki Naruto is Here!!!"

Naruto landed in front of Minato.


"Naruto..Why are you here..?" asked Minato.

"To purify Konaha.." said Naruto.


Four Wood Pillar pooped from Minato's Side and imprisoned him in Small Jail. Many Seals appeared on Wood Prison and Minato couldn't perform Teleportation.

"What are you doing Naruto!? Please!! Don't!" shouted Minato.

Naruto activated his Sharingan and put him in a Genjutsu. Minato fainted after that.

"Is it Done..?" asked Tayuya.

"Yeah..Put him somewhere safe.." said Naruto.

Tayuya nodded and took Minato away.


"These White..things are attacking!!" shouted Kiba

All Shinobi were being attacked by White Zetsu.

"They are strong!" said Shino.

"Must be Anko's work..." said Orochimaru.

Everyone turned to see three people standing behind them.

"Yahiko..Konan..Nagato.." said Orochimaru.

"They are..Akatsuki!" said Sasuke as he came running.

"Orochimaru..We are not here to kill you..However we will defeat you.." said Yahiko.

"I will beat your ass-"

Kiba left hand flew in sky and Blood splattered on Sasuke's face.

"Shut filth.." said Konan.

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