Chapter 49

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A coffin popped up on the Ten-Tails Body. Kabuto grinned and slid opened revealing Uchiha Madara.

Naruto jump in front of Kabuto and looks calmly at him.

"So..Kabuto..You did achieve success.." said Madara. Madara looks at Naruto and raised a eye brow.

"Who are you?" asked Madara.

"Uzumaki Naruto." said Naruto.

"Ah..An Uzumaki. And by looks of it..You are leader of Shinobi Alliance.." said Madara.

"Stupid. I am fighting from Uzumaki Kingdom." said Naruto. Madara was surprised at that.

"Anyways..It's over. I am going to Launch Tail Beast Bomb. Get lost." said Kabuto. Naruto  flipped back and jumped from Ten-Tails.

"Gladly." said Naruto. Madara and Kabuto's eye widen when Ten-Tails was being hugged by Thousands of White Zetsu.

"Boom." said Naruto. All white Zetsu exploded destroying and damaging body of Ten-Tail. 

"Uzumaki Naruto!" roared Kabuto. Madara smirked.

"We have a match to continue.." said Minato as flashed in front of Kabuto and took away with him.

"Entertain me.." said Madara.

"Keep dreaming motherfucker." said Naruto as launched himself at Madara.

Gaara and Yugito climbed on the Son Goku's body and removed the Charka rods.

"Shikaku." said Gaara.

"Matatabi." said Yugito.

Both Bijus shared their Charka. Yuguito pulled out the Charka Rod in Son Goku's body and Son Goku roared in Pain.

"Now then..5-Tail and 6-Tail.." said Gaara.

Minato kicked Kabuto in his face sending him rolling on the floor.

"Rasengan!" shouted Minato as slammed it on his back.

"Aghhhhh!" shouted Kabuto. Minato grabbed his by hairs and slammed his face on ground making a small crater.

"You  motherfucker..It's all your fault!!" roared Minato.

"Haha..Keep dreaming.."

Kabuto slammed his hands on the ground and seal spread over Area. Kabuto ran away while Minato teleported away as whole area was covered with a Explosion.

Naruto caught Madara's fist and threw him in sky.

"Weak." said Naruto.

"Fire Style : Flame of Hell!" shouted Madara.

"Water Style : Great Water Dragon." said Naruto as Water Dragon engulfed Flames and pushed Madara away.

Naruto created Chidori in his hands engulfed in Flames. He slammed it on Madara and Madara went flying on the ground.

"Stop pretending. You are a Reanimation. You can't die but you can't defeat me either." said Naruto in bored tone which Irked Madara a bit.

"Kid..If I use my Full power you will be dead-"

"Let's check those facts..After all.." said Naruto as flew in sky with Shine. Madara disappeared and appeared on Ten-Tails.

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