Chapter 44

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Naruto was sitting on his Throne. He was bored and everyone knew it. It has been six month since Uzushiogakure has been started. Everything was fine. Except one thing.

The Five Great Nation declared war on the Uzushiogakure. 

"Bring Yakumo." said Naruto. The Guard nodded and went away quickly. A few minute later Yakumo arrived and looked at Naruto.

"What's up Lil Bro?" asked Yakumo. Naruto sighed.

"The Five Kage will be attacking Uzushiogakure. Prepare the Ritual. We will not extract Biju from Jinjuriki." said Naruto.

"I see. What about Eight Tails? And Mito and Narumi?" asked Yakumo.

"I have different plans from Killer Bee. However Mito and Narumi's Charka will be extracted. Kurama deserves freedom." said Naruto.

"I'll prepare for Rituals and war preparation has already begin. Zetsu are ready. No Shinobi soldiers will take part." said Yakumo. Naruto nodded.

"It's time you..sort things with Satsuki.." said Yakumo.

"Non-sense. We are fine." said Naruto.

"Please. Things we never fine between you and her." said Yakumo.

"Whatever.." said Naruto. Yakumo left. 

Naruto entered Uchiha Estate. It was mostly empty since only Satsuki lived there.

"Naruto. You came." said Satsuki.

"Yeah.." said Naruto. Satsuki could easily tell he was drunk.

"You know Satsuki..I hate you.." said Naruto. Satsuki helped Naruto to get to bed and lay down.

"You know...why right.." said Naruto with tears. Satsuki looked at him with tears in her eyes as well.

"I am sorry.."


Naruto was running towards the Uchiha compound with Sasuke.

"Hurry up! Naruto! We will miss it!" said Sasuke.

"I am coming! Wait!" said Naruto. They both sneaked in the Bushes and watched Satsuki. She was doing fire style and doing Taijutsu.

"She is amazing!" said Naruto with stars.

"I know!" said Sasuke with envy.  

I don't remember when..I was all alone..

Narumi and Mito hated me for being Weak..I asked them to teach me but they said I am too dump to make it...

Minato and Kushina always ignored me..I didn't like it..and they weren't my Idols either..

Even before I met Yakumo...

Naruto sneaked behind Bushes and saw Satsuki training.

Satsuki patted Sasuke for mastering Fire Jutsu.

Satsuki chatting with everyone as she smiled

Oh. I forget. She was my Idol...

I wanted to become like her..I wanted her to notice me..

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