Chapter 50

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Satsuki looked at Fugaku and another Man's Body. Satsuki clenched her Katana and roared.

Fugaku attacked Satsuki but Satsuki doged it and slammed it on his Chest a Chidori. It had no effect. 

Satsuki was send flying on the rocks coated with blood. She coughed blood.


The man was about to launch his fist on Satsuki when Naruto slammed the man on his guts and He was send flying.

"Naruto.." said Satsuki. Naruto grabbed her and Teleported towards Rin.

"Rin!" shouted Naruto. Rin eye widen when she saw Satsuki in Naruto's arms bleeding through Guts.

Rin started to Heal her and Naruto grabbed Kakashi and teleported away.

Kakashi's eye widen to see Sakumo Hatake standing next to Fugaku Uchiha as Reanimated Shinobi.

"I will deal with Fugaku. Go Naruto.." said Mikoto. Behind her was Haku and Zabuza.

"I will help Hatake. Sakumo Hatake is insanely powerful." said Mei. Naruto nodded.

Madara grabbed Narumi and dragged her towards Ten-Tails. Minato glared at Madara and kicked him on Armor. 

Madara was taken my surprise and Narumi tried escape only to grabbed by Kabuto who was being chased by Naruto.

"Fire Style : Burn!" shouted Naruto as slammed his palm on Kabuto and Kabuto screeched in Pain.

Naruto glanced at other Shinobi fighting Reanimated Shinobi or Black Zetsu.

"What happened?" asked Minato.

"Sakumo Hatake and Fugaku Uchiha were revived." said Naruto. Sasuke eye widen.

"Sakumo Hatake.." said Minato.

"Naruto! look at Kabuto!" said Sasuke. Naruto eye to see Kabuto's body Turning black. Black Zetsu moved Kabuto's hand on Narumi and took out Chakra of Kurama left. He slammed it on Ten-Tails's body.

Madara ran towards Ten-Tails and made few Hand-signs.

Kakashi shot Fire Bullets at Sakumo who doged. 

"Fire Style : Dragon!" shouted Mikoto as she got dragon at Fugaku. Fugaku doged and shot another Fire Jutsu.

"Icy Style : Ground Zero!" shouted Haku as Ice Pillar shot from Fugaku freezing him in sky.

Mikoto made hand sign and slammed it on ice.

"Sealing Jutsu!" shouted Mikoto as sealed away Fugaku.

Mikoto looked at Kakashi who was being pushed back by Sakumo Hatake.

"Lava Style : Lava Ball!" shouted Mei as shot Lava Ball at Sakumo. Sakumo took hit and his body evaporated but regenerating.

"Earth Style : 5 wall!" shouted Mikoto as Sakumo was closed inside Earth Style Ground. The Wall started to shake until Mikoto slammed Sealing Jutsu on it.


A bright shine came over Battlefield.

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