Chapter 2 : Innocence

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In Namikaze compound A happy family was training and having a good time. Except for one. Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto.

He looked at them with sadness.


A six year old Naruto came running towards his Mother. He pulled her hand shouted in excitement. 

"Ka-san!" shouted Naruto.

"Hai Soichi?" asked Kushina sweetly.

"Ka-san..When will you train me like Mito-nee and Narumi-nee!?" asked a 6 years old Naruto.

Kushina bended on her knees and looked into his eyes.

"Naruto..This year we won't be starting you're Training..Next year..Okay..?" said Kushina softly.

Naruto face fell on that but he smiled again.

"Next year right!?" asked Naruto and Kushina nodded.

"Alright!" Naruto ran in his room.

Kushina looked at him with sadness and Guilt.

'It's for safety of Mito and Narumi..Sorry Naruto..You have to hang in there..' though Kushina.

Minato who was watching it from distance and approached her. He kept hand on her shoulder and said softly.

"It pains me too..But Jiraiya-sensei is never wrong.." said Minato in guilt.

Flashback End

But that didn't ended here. They never took his opinions where to go during Family Location. They always favored her two big sister.

Naruto has been turned 8 now. They still gave same reasons. Naruto never understood why his parents concentrated on his sisters more than him.

But that wasn't the end. Naruto got cold stares from everyone in village. Except Ichiraku Ramen.

He had no friends. Every time he tried to make friends..They avoid him or calls him Freak. He was hurt but he never expressed it.

His godparents never talked him. They always give gift to Mito and Narumi but always forget him.

But it all passed it's limit on his 8th Birthday.


Naruto woke up and ran down. Today is his birthday!

"Ka-san! Tou-chan!" shouted Naruto.

He entered Drawing room and saw his Family having breakfast.

He felt bad that they didn't called him or wake him but he ignored that feeling.

Family is Family right..?

"Ah Naruto! Say Happy Birthday to you're Big sister!" said Minato with smile.

"Happy Birthday Mito-nee and Narumi-nee!" shouted Naruto.

"Thanks Ototo!' said Narumi and Mito.

Everyone went back to eating and Naruto waited. And waited.

Nobody wished him. Nor his parents. Nor his Godparents. Not Team Minato. Nobody did.

They simply forget.

He looked at decoration. His name was there in Banner..

He walked out sadly in his room and laid on bed. Tears escaped his eyes.

Naruto : NeglectedWhere stories live. Discover now