Chapter 12 : Aftermath

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Naruto yawned as he walked towards Hokage Office.

Rin knocked the door and entered when she heart come In.

"Hello Team 11.." said Minato with a smile while he made a small glance at Naruto.

Team 7 and Team 8 were also there along with their sensei.

Hinata glanced at Naruto and instantly saw injuries. Her eye narrowed.

Sasuke was observing Naruto secretly. Mito and Narumi were smiling at their 'Little brother'.

"Hello Sensei.." said Rin.

Kushina barged in room along with Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Naruto groaned.

"So I take mission went well..?" asked Minato.

"Ohh! Today was Naruto's first C-class mission right!? That's awesome Dattebane!" said Kushina happily.

Naruto ignored her. Kushina flinched.

Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"Actually mission turned into A-class..." said Rin.

"WHAT!?" shouted everyone.

"Yeah..We faced Demon brothers and.."


"Zabuza Momochi..." said Rin.

Minato opted a serious look.


Uchiha House Hold

Itachi was resting on Sofa. He just came back from Anbu Mission.

His minds diverted at Satsuki.

He talked Satsuki about her team. He was suprised when she said Naruto was in her team.

His mind was filled with Shame. He ignored Naruto..through he had reasons. He was training Sasuke..Sasuke was inclined with getting Revenge..that he even started ignoring mother and Satsuki. 

Itachi have him a talk and finally Sasuke apologized for his behavior.  

He knew it was no reason for ignoring Naruto. Naruto even asked if he could help him but he declined.

After that Itachi saw Naruto very less. When Itachi tried to make small conversation..Naruto just disappeared. 

"Itachi..?" asked Mikoto with concern.

"Yea Ka-san..?" asked Itachi.

"Is something Matter..? You can talk me..? Is it Fangirls again..?" asked Mikoto.

"No!" said Itachi quickly. He didn't wanted Girls beaten to pulp again.

"It's just about Naruto.." said Itachi.

"Oh..Kushina's kid.." said Mikoto sadly.

"You know him..?" asked Itachi in suprise.

"Oh..You have't been home for a while right..?" asked Mikoto.

Itachi nodded.

"Naruto...left Namikaze clan and lives alone...and relationship between him and his parents..are not good..And as Satsuki told me..He is very cold.." said Mikoto.

Itachi eye widen in shock.

"Tell me everything..." said Itachi seriously.

He will work his ass off..To get his..blondie brother back..

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