Chapter 8 : Trouble Sunday

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Naruto woke up. His new apartment. Small and Comfy..

(Same in series)

He asked his Hiruzen to find him a new apartment in Red light district.  

He looked at clock and sighted. 8:00 Am..


Naruto got out from bed and took out Ramen and started to eat it.

Knock! Knock!

Naruto's eye narrowed.


He stood up and walked towards gate. Nobody can break in as he has put seals inside his Home.

He opened the door revealing Hiruzen.

There stood a Anbu with purple hairs.


"Hokage-sama has summoned you."

"Alright..I will be there.." said Naruto.

Naruto knew who this Anbu was. Yugao..


Naruto slammed his door on her face.

Yugao flinched and turned around.

'What should I do...?'

She Shunshin  back.

Naruto sighted and Shunshin to Hokage Office.

His eye narrowed to see Kushina there. Others were Hiruzen and Minato.

"Jiji.." said Naruto softly.

"Hello Naruto..How have you been in you're new house..?" asked Hiruzen.

"It's so comfy..Arigato Jiji.." said Naruto.

"Naruto.." said Minato warmly.

Naruto looked at him.

"Can't you see I am talking to him?" asked Naruto coldly

Minato flinched at his tone. He was about to reply when Kushina interfere.

"Naruto! You won't talk to you're father-"

Naruto ignored her and looked at Hiruzen.

"Jiji...did you do what I asked?" asked Naruto.

Yugao who was listening everything was curious now...

"Yes..." said Hiruzen sadly.

"From today onward..You're Uzumaki Naruto..No Namikaze.."

"What!?" roared Minato.

Hiruzen flinched at his tone.

'I am getting too old for this..'

"Naruto! What's the meaning of this!?" asked Kushina

"I am not longer a Namikaze..I denounce my clan..I am just Uzumaki Now.." said Naruto clamly.

"Why?!?" asked Minato desperately

"Because I don't wanted to be related to you.." said Naruto.

Minato looked visibly Hurt. Kushina comforted Minato.

"Why was I summoned..?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah Naruto..You have two requests.." said Hiruzen

"For?" asked Naruto in interest.

"First..For apprenticeship under Jiraiya-"

"Rejected. Next."

Hiruzen sighted.

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