Chapter 24

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Minato's and Hashirama's fist clashes.

"Reanimation..Huh..?" asked Hashirama.

"Sorry..But you have too deal with us..I should have never created that thing.." said Tobirama as he punched Tsuande who went flying.

"It's our carelessness to blame.." said Kushina.

"Wood Style : Wood Spear!" said Hashirama as it launched towards Hiruzen.

Hiruzen eye widen.

'Shit! Doge it Saru..!'

Tobirama eye widen at supposed death of Hiruzen..His student..

The wood smashed into pieces and Hiruzen was saved. Naruto was standing in front of Hiruzen with lightning in hands.

He dropped Gaara on ground who was wide awake.

"Gaara!? How!?" said Rasa.

"Don't worry..I already sealed away One-Tail properly.." said Naruto.

"Wait what!?" asked Minato in shock. Everyone looked at Naruto.

"The Kanji over his head was different type of seal which was very basic seal...Bijus can't be sealed with such simple seals..You were using him as weapon.." said Naruto coldly.

"Wait Naruto! You reconstructed!? How!?" said Minato.

"He is lying!" said Jiraiya.

"Will you shut up white haired boy!" said Tobirama. Jiraiya shut up after that.

"In short..I created a Similar version of Eight Trigrams Seal..The only think it lacks is Mental Link. Biju can speak to person in mind..Noe Gaara will have lack of sleep or craziness he feel.." said Naruto

"T-That's amazing!" said Hashirama in excitement.

Tobirama nodded.

"How did you get pattern of seals..?" asked Kushina.

"I studied my seal.." said Naruto.

"Wait what?" asked Hashirama.

"I have Kyubi's Soul in me.." said Naruto.

"What!?" asked Tobirama.

Naruto doged the wood Aimed at him by Hashirama and charged towards Him.

"Kyubi was released and a sacrifice was made by Minato by sealing chakra into his daughter and Soul into me.." said Naruto as attacked Hashirama with Kunai.

"Who are you..?" asked Tobirama as kicked Minato but Minato doged.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" said Naruto as doged wood aimed at him.

"He is my son as well!" said Minato in frustration.

"Don't worry. I already have a idea what happened.." said Tobirama coldly.

Minato and others flinched.

"As much as I would Love to talk you two..We have to seal you away..And deal with Kazekage.." said Naruto.

"It's not that easy. Wood style is one of the most prominent form of Style that surpass most of style.." said Hashirama.

"And to counter it we need-"

"Wood Style : Wood Dragon!" said Naruto as wood dragon hit hashirama.

Hashirama eye widen in shock while Tobirama looked in awe.

"I mixed Water and Earth Chakra..Took me fucking 2 years!" said Naruto.

Suddenly two woods popped out behind Hashirama and Tobirama and smashed at their back.

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