Chapter 52

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Kaguya stare at Mito and Naruto. Naruto activates Charstor and dashed at her. Mito activated Kyubi Mode and charged behind.

Kaguya's hair shot at them and grabbed them. The moon and Sun symbol glowed and Kaguya threw them.

Minato flashed behind her but Kaguya caught him and spanned his Left Hand. Minato grunted in pain and Yakumo pulled him back away from Kaguya.

Sasuke's Susanoo tried to grab Kaguya but it melted away.  

"How!?" said Sasuke.

Suddenly they are in a Place filled with Snow.

"Fuckiinh Hell!?" asked Sasuke. Rin was caught by Naruto and Sasuke caught Minato in susanoo. Mito glared at Kaguya. Satsuki activated her Sharingan and used Amaterasu on Kaguya which had no effect.

Naruto and Mito charged at Kaguya. They fell into a Black portal and appeared next to Kaguya.  She grabbed both of them by chin ans cried.

"Poor Mother..Her own son betrayed her.." said Black Zetsu.

Naruto grabbed her throat and pushed Chakra only to threw out in new Dimension. Mito transformed into full Kyubi mode and grabbed Kaguya.

Kaguya travelled inside Kyubi Golden Charka and caught Mito. Minato smashes a rasengan on Kaguya which had no effect on her.

Mito grinned and Kaguya raised a eye brow. 

"Tailed Beast Bomb." said Mito as shot Kaguya. Kaguya merely absorbed it and few Grey Ash colored stick came out of her body.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" shouted Naruto many naruto surrounded Kaguya. Kaguya smashes the stick on One CLone and it was turned into Ashes.

Everyone saw this and gulped.

Naruto dashes at Kaguya and released White Zetsu on her. They exploded sending her flying in sky.

"Wind Style : Storm!" shouted Naruto as Huge Wind revolved around Kaguya.

Kaguya shot at Naruto and Mito suddenly teleported behind Kaguya and cut her hands releasing Black Zetsu. Sasuke smashed his sword on Black Zetsu's body and electrolyzed him.

As her hands started bleeding, Naruto and Minato made hand signs.

"Wind Style : Sphere." said Naruto. 

"Lighting style.." said Minato as added lightning to Wind Sphere. There was huge pressure in sphere.

"Water Style : Water Protector!" shouted Rin unleashing a Water Susanoo-Figure. Mito adding sage power in Water Protector making it more powerful.

Kaguya's eye widen when she felt something crawling on her back. Ido was sucking Charka on her wound.

"Now!" shouted Yakumo from ground. Minato and Naruto flashes near Kaguya hands and slammed Sphere on her injuries.

Water protector slammed his huge sword on wound. All the Tailed Beast tried to get out of her.

"Push!Kurama!" shouted Naruto. Naruto dashed towards Kaguya and slammed his hand on her stomach.

"All Might Pull!" shouted Naruto as all stone started hitting her and from a Crater around her.

Kaguya broke out and tried to escape when Yakumo smashed her fist on her head.

"Don't underestimate me!" shouted Yakumo. Naruto and Satsuki and Mito grabbed and applied seals on Kaguya.

"Six Paths Planetary Devastation!" shouted Everyone.

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