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3rd POV:

Mystic Falls 998 AD a young girl around 14 can be seen peacefully walking through the woods when all of a sudden, she hears a snap, scream and a splash. Being curious she rushes to the sound to see what's going on. When she arrives, she stumbles upon a boy around 15 trying to stay afloat with a branch floating beside him. 

The boy spots her watching him and chuckles to himself embarrassed, "Hey there, how much of that did you see?" He asked while still treading water. 

"Oh, not much." The girl replied, watching him exit the water. 

"Rebekah Mikaelson," She introduced, looking slightly away as his top half was bare, "Who might you be?" She asked. 

"Mieczyslaw, Mieczyslaw Petrov." He replied while putting his garments back on, so his chest was covered. 

"Now, Miss Mikaelson" He starts, quickly recapturing her attention as her eyes snapped back to his, "Want to enlighten me as to why you were watching me swim?" He replies with a smirk which made her adorn a blush. 

"Wha- I- I wasn't, I just happened to be walking by when I heard you scream like a little girl" she replied back after calming down, shooting him a smirk back. Now it was Mieczyslaw's turn to blush and start to scratch the back of his head embarrassed. 

"Well, Uhh, you got me there" He replies laughing, which made Rebekah start to giggle herself.  "You're quite something" He stated which got Rebekah blushing again, 

"Do you wish me to walk you back to the village?" He asked. After regaining herself Rebekah replies 

"Hmm why yes that would be nice."

As they were walking back, they discussed many things like their families where Rebekah learned that the boy had a twin sister names Tatia and Mieczyslaw learned she has quite a big family with 5 brothers, 4 older and 1 younger. As they continued taking Mieczyslaw asked "If you wouldn't mind would you like to meet up again at the same place tomorrow? I quite liked talking to you." 

Hearing this Rebekah smiled and said, "Yes that sounds delightful." After a while they had to part ways.

"Well, I have to go this way, talk to you tomorrow Rebekah" The boy stated while starting to walk away, "Yes see you tomorrow, Goodbye Mischief" Rebekah replied, using Mieczyslaw new nickname for the first time and definitely not the last.

3 years later:
Years have passed since Rebekah's and Mischief's first meeting, during said time the two decided to meet in secret and along the way they developed feeling towards each other and started seeing one another, still meeting at the lake on the outskirts of the village the two decided it was time to tell their families about one another. 

"Mischief!" A now 17-year-old Rebekah can be heard addressing her lover. 

"Hello Beks" An 18-year-old Mischief responds as he approaches the girl and as he reached pecks her on the lips. 

"I know I have asked this a lot over the years but i feel it's finally time to tell out families about us" Rebekah pleads, eyes begging her lover. 

"I agree, I think it's finally time" Mischief agrees which catches her off guard for a second before she smiles widely and jumps at him wrapping her arms around the boy. 

"Really?" She double checks 

"Yes really, I love you Rebekah and I don't want to hide that fact anymore" He replies while her eyes start tearing up, "Plus Tatia's starting to get suspicious with me leaving all the time, and I can't keep using the excuse I like to crap in the woods anymore" he adds with a chuckle, as Rebekah rolls her eyes at the remark she starts to drag Mischiefs hand back in the direction of the village in order to tell her family.

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