The Departed

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Mischief POV:

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Mischief POV:

'ONE DAY!! Thats all I ask for come on.' I think to myself as I drive away from New York where I was with Rebekah in our penthouse suite before Elijah called asking me to help convince the Mystic Falls gang to help get the stake from Alaric. Of course Rebekah was adamant about me staying but after promising to go out shopping with her after I feel I may want Alaric to kill me when I return.

I meet up with Elijah outside the Gilbert Residence and exchanging a quick greeting we walk towards the house. Elijah knocks while I stand back and as Elena opens it with a smile her face quickly contorts into that of confusion and shock after seeing Elijah. She hasn't noticed me which is good because that way I get to make a dramatic entrance. "Stefan." Elena says trying to grab the vampires attention. "Elijah." He says after seeing the suited Original. "Hello again." Elijah says. "Okay can we please get this over with since I want to get out of this town as soon as possible. Sup Cullen, Bella." I greet the two who stand at the door. Both look at me with confusion. I sigh "Trust me I dont wanna be here either but Suits over here wanted me to help." I state walking inside and sitting down.

After Elijah sits he starts to speak. "All we need  is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapons in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth and Alaric will follow us." Elijah states. "And you'll just run?" Stefan questions. "We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of 1000 years evading my father. Whats another half-century while Elena's able to live out her natural life?" Elijah says still trying to convince him. "We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us I can't just let you bring him back." Elena says adamant on Klaus not coming back. "You see thats where your wrong." I speak up gaining their attention. "We will allow Klaus to stay desiccated for the rest of your life maybe even your children's life, depending on Rebekah's or my mood, and will only release him after you or they die. Plus Elijah is about to 'Give you his word' so that should be a good indicator that we mean well." I finish gaining surprised looks from the two opposite me and a smirk from Elijah at my behaviour.

"Why should she trust you? I mean all you've done is screw her over." Stefan says. "And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this. She could've been dead the instant we walked through that door tonight. So, Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision, whether to trust me or not." Elijah states. Elena is hesitant before a voice appears over the phone. "Not. Hello? Did that concussion give you brain damage? His lunatic siblings and that psycho fiancé will kill you the first chance they get!" Damon shouts over the phone. "I can get Kol to agree and Im sure Mieczyslaw can get Rebekah to agree to the terms. If you return Klaus's body to us, Elena will come to no harm. Do we have a deal?" Elijah asks. "No! No, no, n-" I hang up the phone. "Sorry he was getting on my nerves." I say before sitting back down. "Elena, its up to you." Stefan says.

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