The Five

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Mischief POV:

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Mischief POV:

Rebekah and I are sitting at the grill drinking when I notice a memorial for Matt behind the bar. "I can't believe you actually liked him." I say causing Rebekah to look at the memorial. She shrugs "He was normal, guess my lust for a family clouded my judgement. He was very annoying going on about "Elena this" and "Elena that." I have a feeling if you hadn't shown up I would've killed him myself." Rebekah says before downing the rest of her drink. Im about to speak before I see something in the corner of my eye.

"Nikky!" I exclaim with a smile spotting him staring at us from the other side of the bar. "I assume you received my package in the shape of a hunter." I add. "I did, thanks for that." He says giving me a small smile. "Last I heard you were leaving town. Forever." Rebekah states looking slightly confused, probably as to what Nik and I got into. "Well, I was, but then I thought to myself, "How can I when my sister clearly so desperate for love and affection from family, is left here." Klaus said walking around the bar to stand in front of Rebekah. "What do you want, Nik? Thought I was dead to you." Rebekah says causing me to wince slightly. "Things change, Rebekah. You see Mischief and I have stumbled upon something that might intrigue you." Klaus says causing Rebekah to look at me. I look away whistling, totally inconspicuous. "Doubt that." Rebekah denies turning back to Klaus. "No? Well what if I told you the Brotherhood of The Five still existed?" Klaus says causing Rebekah's face to drop. "What?" She utters in shock. "You see? And like that, bygones. Come on love, work to do." Klaus says. I can tell this is going to be a sibling fight so I try to look for an escape.

I thank the gods when Lucy and Ivar walk into the grill. I smirk before speeding behind them and scaring them, well Ivar at least. "Din kælling. Why?" He asks holding his heart in shock. "Well why not?" I counter causing him to shake his head and sigh. "Listen, I am extremely bored. So any of you want to find the scooby-doo gang and piss them off?" I ask. Lucy breaks out into a wild grin "Absolutely." She says. "Ivar?" I ask "Nope, maybe next time." He says causing me to pout. "Awww cmon Ivy your no fun." I whine causing Lucy to laugh and Ivar to keep his straight face. "Nope." He says once more. "Kælling." I mutter under my breath but loud enough for them both to hear. "Fuck dig røhvul." He says back. The two of us let out laughs. "Go have fun I will meet up with you later." He says. I clap him on the shoulder and Lucy brings him into a hug before we both leave the bar looking for trouble.

After not finding trouble for a few hours I got a call from Rebekah. First, she moaned at me for ditching her and second she informed me about. After I agreed the call ended. "Now that should be trouble." Lucy said grinning. I smirk back at her. "What are you going to do while im dealing with this?" I ask. "Ehh, probably meet up with Ivar and do something not sure what yet." She says with a shrug. "Well be careful." I say giving her a hug. "You too." She says before pulling away and I speed towards Klaus' mansion. I arrive just behind Rebekah but she doesn't notice me yet. "Is this a trick?" She asks upon seeing the Hunter, Conner. "How do you know he's one of The Five? Where's his tattoo?" She asks again. "Well Beks, the tattoos are invisible on these hunters only being seen by fellow members or in out case Little Gilbert. You okay Conner? Look a little worse for wear than when I left you here." I say grinning while Rebekah smiles at me. Whereas Klaus frowns upon seeing me. 'Weird' I think. Stefan just has that brooding look upon his face like always. "Anyway. Lets eat." Klaus announces slightly glaring at Rebekah.

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