Catch Me if You Can

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Mischief POV:

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Mischief POV:

Lucy, Rebekah and I were currently in Stefan's room looking through his things, well Rebekah and I were. Lucy is sitting on his bed on her phone. While Rebekah reads his diary I sift through his closet for booze or something interesting. When Stefan enters his room he pauses before looking around, spotting Rebekah and Lucy on his bed and me at his desk looking through the drawers. He clears his throat to get our attention. "I know the two of you were daggered for a little while and you seem like the antisocial type, but knocking is still a thing." He says pointing at Rebekah, me and Lucy. "So is writing in your diary, apparently. Im just checking for doubts. You never know when it comes for love. One minute your begging me to compel Elena from your mind and the next, I'm up coffin creak with a dagger in my back." Rebekah says while still reading his diary. "That will never happen again Beks." I state looking up from what im doing to send her a smile, one which she reciprocates. "Right. Well, you can read it all you want. I'm done with her. You and Mischief helped me see that." He says while snatching the bourbon bottle out my hand to pour himself a glass. "Until we find the cure, right?" Rebekah asks. Stefan looks up before going back to pouring himself a drink. "Hey, I'm talking to you." She says closing the book and standing up. "Oh, I know you are. Im ignoring you." Stefan quips back making me and Lucy laugh slightly. "Look.." Rebekah starts sending me and Lucy playful glares. "We're at a disadvantage in this whole race for the cure. Team Klaus has Jeremy the Hunter. Team Shane has Bonnie the Witch-" Rebekah says before getting interrupted by Lucy who coughs loudly to get her attention. "Yes, we do have a more powerful witch but still no idea where to go, whereas Shane does, so still a disadvantage." Rebekah corrects herself. "If you're here to remind me of our last place status, I'm very well aware." Stefan says. "Actually, I have a plan. Mischief if you please." She says directing attention to me. "The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient bad guy Kol is afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting the guy. His old and dusty headstone." I say, Rebekah nods along. "I see. And I take it you want to steal it." He says looking back at Rebekah. "Yes. And then team Shane will have to join Team Rebekah and Team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs.

As 3 of us looked around Shane's office Lucy has gone home to get some ingredients for a spell before I meet up with her later. Ivar has gone back to LA to continue his life but we all agreed to stay in touch daily. "Well, headstones not here." Stefan announces before slamming a file cabinet shut. "Calm down Cullen. Don't go all Ripper on us." I say as I continue to rummage through drawers. Rebekah finds some herbs for Stefan and SOMEHOW convince Mr. Brooding to start having a bit of fun. Thank god!

A while later were still in Shane's office. Im sitting in an arm chair while Rebekah decided to take up residence on my lap. "Theres so much random crap in here." Stefan sighs walking over to a table. "Random, no. Crap.... more than likely. Looks like Shane has a bit of an afterlife fetish. Hopi prayer feathers, a Han Dynasty soul vase and that is a Polynesian sacrificial knife. Brutal way to die, but at least you appease the gods." I say. "Since when did you become such an artefact expert." Stefan retorts causing me to smirk. "Last night." I say before giving him a condescending smile. "We do enjoy other cultures, Stefan. I know that may be hard for you to understand considering you dated a child that only thinks about himself." Rebekah states. Stefan closes his eyes and lowers his head before launching the knife at Rebekah. I catch it before tutting and shaking my head at Stefan. I flip the knife in my hand and give it to Rebekah who the gets off my lap. "Still a sensitive subject, I see." Rebekah says. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket notifying me that Lucy is ready with the spell. I sigh slightly before getting up, pecking Rebekah's forehead and speeding back to the house.

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