Before Sunset

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Mischief POV:

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Mischief POV:

I was currently in the dance hall with Rebekah helping her clean up since we are the only two here. I was in the corner taking down the banners while she is picking cups up off of the floors and tables. I saw Caroline walking into the hall looking confused at the lack of people.

"Where is everyone?" She asked. "They bailed. All found some excuse to not do any work." Rebekah answered not looking up from what shes doing. "Are you kidding me? So its just us?" She asked. "And me" I shout from the corner causing Caroline to jump in suprise. "Yes its just us three. And your late. Clean-up committee started at 8:00." Rebekah says finally looking at Caroline. "It's like, 8:02." Caroline says confused at Rebekah's attitude. "Exactly. I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organised." Rebekah says walking over to the bin and throwing away all the empty cups. I look over at her with sympathy since she was so excited to go and wanted everyone to be their with her. "Sorry Beks, how about I take you out tonight instead?" I ask. She looks up at me and smiles lovingly before nodding and going back to cleaning.

"I'm sorry about your mom. I mean, I know you, like, hated her and everything, but still, I'm sorry." Caroline says looking at Rebekah with sympathy. Rebekah sighs "I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy." She says before closing the bin. "Yeah, he was." Caroline responds. They look at each other sadly before Rebekah speaks up, "I'm gonna get started on the gym." She says before walking away. "Is she going to be Okay?" Caroline asks turning to me. I stop what I was doing before sighing. "Ye, she will be. Shes strong, just a little disappointed thats all." I say before returning to my work.

About a minute passes before I hear shouting from the hall, I share a look with Caroline before speeding out. I see Alaric pinning Rebekah to the lockers, stake over her heart. I speed ahead and throw him across the hall before grabbing him by the throat, taking the stake from him and shoving it in his chest. He grunts before looking up and taking it out. I share a look with Rebekah before speeding away with her. Rebekah and I stand off to the side as we watch Alaric speed behind Caroline and snap her neck. Before dragging her inside the school. What leaves us speechless is the fact that he's burning in the sun but isn't being killed like any other vampire would.

3rd POV:

Mischief and Rebekah are back in the Mikaelson manor speaking to Klaus about what they just saw. "Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me." Rebekah exclaims looking over at Klaus. "Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." Klaus says sighing. "Well he's not and he's a vampire thanks to Mother's spell. With a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's stronger, Nik, too strong." Rebekah says, slightly shaking with fear. "Where is he now?" Klaus asks. "Stuck at the school without a daylight ring. But as soon as night falls, he'll come after us. We need to leave now." Rebekah exclaims desperately trying to convince her brother. Klaus looks hesitant before replying, "Fine. I'll collect Elena and we'll be on our way." Klaus states starting to hurry up with what he's doing. Rebekah looks shocked that he still wants to make hybrids and an army. "Forget Elena, you don't need any more stupid hybrids." She exclaims raising her voice. "What I need is protection from Esthers continued assaults against us." Klaus states. Off in the corner of the room Mischief is there thinking about how this is all his fault and that he should've stopped Esther and Alaric when he was with them.

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