Into the Wild

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Mischief POV:

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Mischief POV:

As we beach the boats and get our equipment we all sort of split off into different groups. Elena, Jeremy and Bonnie all stick together while Stefan, Rebekah and Lucy are talking to the other side. I decide to not be boring and head over to where Shane and Damon are.

"Couldn't they have hid this cure in Hawaii?" Damon asks as he sharpens a machete. "Where the hell did you take us?"

"Two hundred miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. The whole point was to hide the cure on the most obscure, desolate island." Shane states as I arrive to stand behind him.

"Well they got the obscure part correct." I say as they turn their attention to me, with an added eye roll from Damon. "Like couldn't we have just hired a water plane or something and compelled the pilot to stay put."

"Oh yeah? I thought the whole point was so that no one found Silas. The oldest, deadliest freak in the world." Damon says as he goes to stand, putting his bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah that too." Shane mutters. "Sunscreen?" He offers to Damon. "Is that a joke?" Damon questions. "Right." Shane says realising what he said.

"I'll take some." I speak up. Shane hands me the sunscreen and I walk off towards Rebekah's group.

As I arrive I see Elena on the floor, White Oak stake in hand. I scoff before throwing the sunscreen at a bored looking Lucy. She looks at it for a moment before looking at me questioningly. "What? You burn we dont. And I dont want to hear any more whines from you than we already do." I say smirking as Lucy flips me off and with a wave off her hand the White Oak stake is out of Elena's hand and over my chest.

"Ooh scary." I mock as Stefan chuckles and Lucy flips me off once more and drops the Stake. I pick it up and throw it back to Elena. "What?" I ask as she gives me a look.

"Like I said to Lucy. If it stops any whining I will take it. Plus if you do kill me or Beks. Either Stefan will hate you for killing his friends, or, Lucy will kill everyone you care about then yourself. So, your choice." I say. Elena scoffs before standing up, ignoring Stefan's hand for help, and walking away. I clap Stefan over the shoulder and walk towards Rebekah.

As we continue our hike through the terrain, Rebekah and Stefan walking in the middle while Lucy and I are in the back I can see shes getting restless which means one thing. "M-"

"No. Absolutely not." I say as she stops causing me to as well. "Cmon please!" She whines causing me to roll my eyes and everyone to stop and turn. I let out an exasperated sigh and wave my hand signalling for them to carry on. "Now...."

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