After School Special

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Continuation from 4x04 skip to End of 4x09 and then to 4x10

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3rd POV:

"So? What do we do with him?" Stefan asks looking at Mischiefs body on the floor. "Oh I have a plan for dear Mieczyslaw. You see ever since his arrival I have been working on making a dagger for him. Not only will this dagger keep him desiccated, it also hides him from any sort of magic so his witch wont be able to find him." Klaus says with a smirk but his eyes hold a tiny shred of guilt. "So. Lets get these two in there new homes shall we." He adds with a clap of his hands.

Its been a month since Mischief called Lucy and ever since then she has done several locator spells and hasn't left her room for more than an hour at a time. Ivar has been on the ground looking for him in case he's chained up somewhere with anti-magic items. "Cmon M where are you." Lucy mutters to herself before failing yet another locator spell. A knock at the front door knocks her out of her trance. At first she ignores it before the knocking picks up again. Lucy sighs before grudgingly walking to the door. She opens it to see the pastors daughter April in what looks like a dress and wearing a Miss Mystic Falls banner. "Oh my god Lucy there you are." April says wide eyed and frantic. "What are you doing here April?" Lucy asks tired and completely out of it. "Okay so, I was at the pageant when all of a sudden I see Caroline forbes seemingly dead and as I go to leave she some how appears right in front of me telling me to forget what I saw. Completely in shock I agree and set to go home after that, but I hear grunting and fighting from the woods, I go over and see what looks like a bearded man slaughtering 12 people with a sword. So I run into what looks like a cellar and when I go down there I find two locked coffins one has an 'R' and the other an ''M'." After hearing this Lucys attention snaps to the girl and she instantly has a smile on her face. "Show me, right now." She says excited that she gets to see her best friend again. "Uh- Ye okay. Follow me." April complies and they set off not before Lucy texts Ivar to let them know whats going on.

As Lucy arrives at the cellar, thanking April as she leaves to deal with what shes seen. Lucys eyes sparkle and widen at the sight of the cellar. She rushes to what seem like Rebekah's coffin first before ripping the lock off its hinged unintentionally using some Nogitsune strength. The coffin opens to reveal a desiccated Rebekah with a dagger in her chest. Lucy pulls it out and waits, a few minutes pass before Rebekah gasps awake and look at her surroundings. Her eyes land on Lucy before smiling and pulling the brunette into a hug. "Oh thank god Luce, wheres Mischief." At hearing this Lucy frowns before moving to the side to allow Rebekah to see the coffin that has her fiancé in. "He didn't. That wanker." Rebekah says in disbelief referring to her brother who would dagger his best friend. "Not only that, he had it specially made so that I couldn't use magic to find him." Lucy says gritting her teeth in anger. "Well enough chit-chat lets go wake him up." Rebekah says before hopping out the coffin and ripping the other one open. In it lay Mischief, Rebekah yanks the dagger out before throwing it to the side. A few minutes later Mischief shoots up, as he looks around and then down at his clothes he groans loudly, "Lort!" "Oh thank god." Lucy says before rushing to Mischief and engulfing him in a hug. "Woah, Lu. You okay?" Mischief asks not expecting the action. "You were gone for around a month." Lucy says causing the two Originals face to fall. Mischief walks over to Rebekah and brings her into a hug. "Sorry I wasn't fast enough. I could've stopped this." He says to Rebekah frowning. Before she could respond Ivar speeds down to the cellar, claps loudly and jumps before rushing to bring his sire into a hug. This causes the others to laugh at the boy. "Well." Mischief says causing the other to look at him. "Lets head home, get some blood and then you two can tell us what exactly happened. Because last I checked Klausy boi never had a dagger for me." He continues causing the others to nod before speeding out.

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