Dangerous Liaisons

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Mischief POV:

After what felt like an eternity. Lucy and I have arrived at Mystic Falls, I parked my 1958 Chevrolet Impala and booked us a room. "Are you ready for this M, you haven't seen them in a millennium?" Lucy asked once we settled in the room. 

"Yes, I'm ready and I know how I am going to do it as well" I said smirking as i sat down on the edge of one of two beds.

"Go on then, enlighten me, how on earth are you going to tell your fiancé of 1000 years that you are magically back and wish to start up again, and please don't say by simply walking up to her." Lucy ranted, I simply kept smirking as I fishes through my back and pulled out an invitation.

"What the bloody hell is this then." She says as she rolls her eyes, I can tell she's getting pissed off at the suspense, but I keep at it because it's fun to piss her off. 

"An invitation to a ball, thrown by none other than the Miss bitch herself, Esther "murder my kids" Mikaelson," I replied with a wider smirk than before. 

Lucy stared at the invitation before smirking back, "And are you going to be a gentleman and arrive on time or be fashionably late and make a scene.... Never mind don't answer that I know its option B." I chuckled lowly before standing up and beginning to head out the room 

"Ahh you know me so well Lu, well we better go get our things ready for the most chaotic night of our lives." I said before heading to my car with Lucy following behind.

Rebekah POV:

I'm sitting there getting my nails painted while my brothers are getting their tuxes fitted for the balk tonight, well Finn was Kol was just staring at himself. "Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am." I roll my eyes at him before quickly responding. 

"Oh, Kol, you know I can't be compelled." Finn smirks at my comment before we go back to what we were doing before Nik burst into the room looking grumpy as always. 

"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?" He stood right Infront of me attempting to get answers. 

"Here we go" I shoot back expecting this level of controlling and pouty natured whining from him. 

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" 

Before I can reply, Kol buts in "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?"

 Klaus being pissed that he was interrupted sassily turned around and responded with "Oh, go back to staring at yourself." 

Kol trying to get a rise out of him continues on by saying "And who are you, my father?" 

"No, Kol. But you are in my house." Klaus states while walking towards him. 

"Then perhaps we should go outside" Kol threatens, they continue to stare at each other before mother comes and breaks it up. 

"Enough. Niklaus. Come."

While Nik goes to speak to mother, I let my mind wander and start to think of what Mischief is up too, I still miss him dearly after 1000 years but a part of me thinks he doesn't miss me back and has moved one with another. 

I know he can't be dead since he's like us, which means that unless father hunted him down, he should be alright. 

I think back to the other men I have been with since him and how none of them made me feel like he did, he loved me for me and not the bitchy original vampire me, he's the one I wanted a family with, but now I can't shake the feeling he's already done that with someone else.

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