Heart of Darkness

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Mischief POV:

Lucy and I are currently in Denver meeting up with Kol. Lucy has rarely left my side since Finn died. "Lu you really didn't have to come." I speak up, we are currently waiting in a motel for Kol to arrive. "After Finn, until I know we have all the stakes you are not leaving my sight." She states while staring at her phone while she lies on one of the beds. "But what if I have to shower or you know... other things." I joke sending her a smile. "Dick." She mutters before putting her headphones in.

Theres a knock at the door and I open it to see Kol standing there baseball bat in hand. "Why hello Psycbro, how has the great city of Denver been treating you." I greet giving Kol a hug before moving to the side to let him in. He gives Lucy a flirty smile and a wink before sitting on the other bed. "Whats with the bat?" I question. "Me and Gilbert Jr are meeting up at a batting cage, and you two are coming with." He says. I shrug before turning to Lucy, she rolls her eyes and sighs before nodding. "Perfect lets go, im 5 minutes late as it is." He says with a smile, I laugh before walking out with them following after me and getting into my car.

We arrive at the cage to see Dopplebitch and Salvatore Senior already there. "Damon its Mischief and Kol." As he turns around I walk up to and swing at his head, breaking it.

"What are you doing?" Little Gilbert asks

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"What are you doing?" Little Gilbert asks. "Jer, get back. Their Originals." Dopplebitch says in panic. "Wait. What?" Jeremy asks "No hard feelings mate, but were not buds. You know, I'll never get used to aluminium. But hey, at least it wont break." Kol tries to swing at Damon but before he can Damon grabs the bat and impales Kols stomach. "Cmon Kol, seriously. You're an Originals for fucks sake stop getting killed by Salvatore." I groan before turning to Lucy. "Lu be a lamb and take Kol to the car while I deal with these lot. And before you say anything they dont have a white oak stake on them so its all good." I state before turning back to the trio.

"Now, Salvatore, Dopplebitch and Little Gilbert. What am I going to do with you. Ohh maybe I will kill you like I killed rat-boy, yes that will be perfect." As I say that Damon grabs a piece of the bat and throws it at my head. Once I move my head to the side and catch it, I turn back to see them already gone. "Hmm oh well." I state before walking back to my car to see Kol in the backseat already awake and fuming. "Kol mate, I seriously need to teach you how to fight." I say with a teasing smirk as he just flips me off and turns to look out the window.

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