Stories of the Past and Promises of the Future

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Mischief POV:

I gasp awake remembering the events of last night. Looking around the room it seems I'm in one of the guest rooms of the manor. I spot some spare clothes that Lucy probably got for me and put them on before heading downstairs into the main room where I see the 4 out of 5 of the Mikaelson children sitting around talking, im guessing Finns somewhere being a lapdog meanwhile Lucy is leaning against a wall on the other side of the room. She spots me and smiles "Finally, gonna be honest for a moment their i thought you were actually dead." Hearing this the rest turned to look at me with different looks of happiness and confusion. I chuckled at what my best friend said before going to sit down on the arm chair in front of her on the other side of the room from the Mikaelsons.
After a few minutes of awkward silence I hears "Mischief?" I look up to see Rebekah staring at me with lots of different emotions, I hum a response signalling her to continue, "What happened? Where were you? Why didn't you come back? I thought you hated me?" Questions started flying ate from the gorgeous blonde. Elijah laughed lowly before starting, "Sister let him speak and maybe you may get the answer your looking for." I give him a thankful look before sighing,  "As for your questions Beks, I ran, All over the world so your gonna have to be a bit more specific, I tried to come back but ultimately couldn't and finally I could never hate you," I answered staring right at her as she was staring back. It was silent for a while before Kol spoke up "Well as riveting as this silence is," he got up before walking up and patting me on the shoulder "I believe we would like to know what you got up to over a thousand years, and who this lovely lady is." He finished as he stood beside Lucy and put an arm around her shoulder. She shrugged him off before speaking up "Yes as much as I'm loving the silence I think it's time to tell them M." After hearing this Kol went back to his place on the couch before Lucy sat beside me on the arm of the chair.


Its been around 100 years since I ran from the Mikaelsons, I wanted to go back, I really did, but I just needed more time to grieve and get over what happened. I ended up In London. And I must say 12th century London is way more advanced than across the pond, I started walking around late at night before hearing a male scream down an ally, I rushed over to see what looks like a man in his late 40s with slash marks all across his body from some sort of weapon, as I begin to walk away I hear him start to convulse. I quickly rush back in time, my eyes widen in horror and slight curiosity as I see thousands of fireflies swarming out of his mouth with a green glow emanating from him.

-20 years later-
Im still in london and have started searching for his firefly killer, what will I do once I find them, not sure but I do want to find them, wether it be for my own curiosity or to help the others around me, I have gotten control of my bloodlust and have excellent control over my hunger. As im feeding on a random girl outside a brothel, I hear something that fills me with fear, "Ooh what do we have here, Mieczyslaw Mikaelson." I swiftly turn around ,dropping the limp body to the floor, looking around I dont see the source of the voice but the shadows seem to be moving. As I continue down the dark Alleyway the voice seems to be getting closer "When is a door, Not a door?" The voice asks, as i get closer it starts to sound like a girl but very raspy. "Everyone has it, but no one can lose it. What is it?"
"Who are you?" I try to ask, "Everyone has it, but no can lose it. What is it?" It asks again. I try to question it again "What do you want." "EVERYONE HAS IT, BUT NO ONE CAN LOSE IT. WHAT IS IT!! ANSWER ME!!" It screams. I decide to play along and stop trying to interrogate the being "A shadow." As I answer the shadows seem to disappear and out steps a beautiful girl around my age wearing a blue dress. She tilts her head with a smirk before speaking again, "Well done Mieczyslaw, Your the first one to answer correctly first try, as a reward I will let the girl go for now." As I stand their confused the girl gasps before falling forward and grasping onto me "He-Help me" she whimpers before passing out.

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