Break on Through

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Skipped 3x16 since it was mostly filler and Mieczyslaw wasn't their during 1912

3rd POV:

As Rebekah and Mieczyslaw were talking to Mayor Lockwood at the construction site. Damon, Alaric and Meredith arrived at the site, "Rebekah and that fiancé of hers are up to something. They've been snooping around places they shouldn't be." Damon inquired before they came to a stop and stared at the 2 originals. "Tell me again, why are we here?" Alaric asked not really feeling in the mood.

"The world can't stop just because you're an accidental psycho-killer." Damon retorted making Alaric scoffed. "Do you have any tact whatsoever?" Meredith asks in disbelief, making Alaric sigh at her. Before he can respond Mayor Lockwood walks over and starts talking, "Alaric, I'm glad you're here. Did you bring the sign?" She inquires walking over with a smile. "The restored Wickery Bridge sign. The history department promised you would have it today." She continues once she sees Alaric's confused face.

"No, I don't have the sign, actually. It slipped my mind. Ive been busy." Alaric responds. "Well, it's not an emergency. We'll just, um, unveil it when the bridge is complete." The mayor says, trying to fix the situation. "Get mr out of here." Alaric whispers to Meredith once the Mayor walks away. "My pleasure." She responds quickly, eager to leave also.

"I'm gonna stick around for a bit." Damon speak up when he spots sage staring back at him. "Who is that?" Alaric asks curious as to who his friend is talking about, "A blast from the past." Damon responds 'Damonly' before walking off with a smirk. "Damon Salvatore, my favourite student." Sage speaks up once Damon walks over, "Sage, my hottest teacher. What are you doing here?" Damon asks with another smirk.

Sage shrugs of his question "Eh, just passing through." "Oh, come on, no one just passes through Mystic Falls." Damon keeps at it but before he can continue a voice interrupts him, "Look what the cat dragged in." Damon turned around to see Rebekah. "Easy there, Rebekah. You know, she used to beat men for sport." Damon comments. "She always was quite common." Rebekah responds.

"Rebekah. What a happy surprise." Sage finally speak up with a smile on her face. "What are you doing here?" Rebekah questions, "I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in." Sage responds quickly trying to get underneath Rebekah's skin. "Ooh, Finn, you just missed him. He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going." Rebekah responds with a smirk, immune to sages attempts.

"He probably went looking for me." Sage says, trying to cling to the hope that Finn still loves her. "Or..." a voice from behind them spoke, "Like I've been saying to Miss Gilbert, It isn't about you." Mischief says as he arrived, wrapping an arm around Rebekah's shoulder. Sage looks shocked before responding, "Mieczyslaw, its been what, a couple hundred years since that witch of yours nearly killed me." Sage responds with a look. "Ahh yes, those were good times." Mischief responds with a smirk.

Rebekah smiles at her man before continuing, "Well Mischief might be right since he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life." Rebekah states before walking away. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced, Mieczyslaw Petrova." Mischief says addressing the Salvatore. "Damon Salvatore, Im sorry did you say Petrova, like Katherine." Damon responds wryly. "Yup, im her ancestors, Katerina or as you call her "Katherine" is the doppelgänger of my twin sister. Anyway pleasure meeting you, and seeing you again Sage." Mischief says before walking off after Rebekah.

Rebekah POV:

Mischief left a little while ago to deal with whatever Lucy called for, I'm just waiting for this whole thing to be over. "Anyone ever tell you you're sexy when you're bitchy?" I hear a voice from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Damon. "Were talking now are we? plus enough of that im already spoken for." I tell him pushing him back. "You were quite rude the other day. Using me to help you with Stefan then shooing me away like a stray dog." I told him. "Oh, that was brother business. You can't hold that against me. Plus am I really supposed to believe that a few days after we got together, you magically find yourself a fiancé, ye right." Damon groans.

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