The Rager

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*Flashback Denmark 1364*

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*Flashback Denmark 1364*

Mischief POV:

Lucy and I have finally gotten control of the Nogitsune and for a little bit of fun and to celebrate we decided to just get on a random boat and set sail. We learned midway through our voyage we are on a supply ship heading to Denmark. After days on board we finally reach land. Lucy rushes off the boat and vomits over the other end of the docks, earning pointed and disgusted looks from passing and working civilians. She finally stands up again and takes notice of her surroundings, with a distinct embarrassed blush on her face she walks over to my side before dragging me away. As I was being dragged with Lucy shouting at me for some reason, I saw a boy around the age of 20, sitting on a crate, staring at us with his piercing blue eyes. His gaze wasn't filled with disgust and contempt but instead his eyes were filled with curiosity.

As we enter the nearest tavern we head straight to the bar and order 2 large jugs of ale. Later in the night we are completely wasted. As we stumble to the closest inn we stop at the sound of shouting and what sounds like punches and kicks. Of course with us being curious little shits, we follow the sound and come across what looks like 2 men pinning a younger man to a wall with what looks like a knife against his throat. "This'll be fun to watch." Lucy says with a drunken smile. I smirk back but it soon drops as I see the its the same boy that was staring at us earlier. Once again me being a curious shit I speed forward and rip the two older mens hearts out. As they drop to the floor I see the boy staring at me in shock before it quickly turns to fear. He tries to scramble away but as soon as he talks a step he falls. As he curses in Danish, he tries to crawl away. I tilt my head curiously at the boy, but before I can question him I hear Lucy groan from behind me. "Ughhh, M why did you do that. But I will admit two bodies is better than one." She says still relatively drunk but starting to sober. As I turn back to the boy I see him still trying to crawl away. With a sigh I speed in front if him and compel him. "Calm down and stand up." His breathing instantly slows before trying to get up, ultimately falling back to the ground. A few minutes goes by before he starts to crawl away. Im about to speak up but before I can he reaches what looks like a cane and uses it to keep himself upright. "Alright. Now that thats settled. I think we have some things to talk about." I say with a smirk before speeding forward and knocking him unconscious. Lucy laughs before saying, "You compel him to stand, turns out he's a cripple, then you drop him again. Damn M you're cruel." She says still laughing.

As we enter and Inn and drop the boy on the bed he instantly awakens at the feel of the bed. "Okay first off. Can you understand me?" I ask unsure if he spoke english. As he nods I nod back in relief. "Thank god." I mutter before going to speak again. "Okay normally once people see me kill someone they more often than not they end up dead also." I start causing him to start panicking again. "But... I wont kill you, since me and my friend here, need to be able to fit in here for a while. And I figured since you seem to be the only person here who doesn't find us repulsive why not you." I state causing him to look at us confused. "Whats your name? Im Lucy Claire and this here is Mieczyslaw Mikaleson" Lucy asks. "Ivar, Ivar Ragnarsson." He responds, accent heavy. At hearing the name I gain a curious look. "Any distinct relation to Ivar the Boneless?" I ask. "I dont believe so? Who is that?" He asks. "Only one of the most feared upon vikings to ever live." I say. "Really?" He asks awestruck. "Ye, they said he was a cripple also. And adorned piercing blue eyes like your own. I wonder if your his doppelgänger of something." I mutter that last statement to myself. "Anyhow, lets make a deal. I tell you stories about Ivar and you help us fit in and teach us the language here." I state causing him to smile. "Oh yeah. You also cant tell anyone what you say me do or what I am." I add causing the boy to stiffen. "And what exactly are you." He asks with a hint of fear in his voice. "A vampire, and Lucy over there is a witch. Actually... let me try something." After speaking I bite into my wrists and pour it into an empty mug.

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