Down the Rabbit hole

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Lucy POV:

We all decided to head back to the beach where the boats are to see if Damon turned up since he has been missing for a while. While Rebekah and Stefan stand behind Elena as she speaks to Caroline on the phone, Mischief and I are sitting on a log as Mischief checks over the wound on my stomach.

"Im going to kill that Bennet Bitch next time I see her." I say as Mischief finishes checking over me and fixes my top. "You can after we find the cure." He says making sure I head the key word "After"

He pulls me to up to my feet as we go to stand beside Rebekah and Stefan. I cant hear what Caroline is responding with but Elena mentioned something about Klaus and the sword.

"He'll never give up the sword." Rebekah says to us as she leans into Mischief. "Yeah, but if anyone can get him to give it up, it's Caroline." Stefan argues trying to remain optimistic.

"He'll never give up the sword. Not even for Caroline. He's terrified we'll use the cure to make him mortal. Even if he wasn't, he wouldn't want any of us to derive a moments worth of happiness from being human." Rebekah states. I saw Mischief frown slightly before he covers it up again.

"Maybe he doesn't have to give it up. I mean Klaus is stuck in Elena's house by Bonnies spell. He can't go anywhere. Theres only so many places you can hide a 3-foot piece of metal." Stefan says, probably to Caroline.

After a few seconds we hear Elena speak again, "Thank you, Caroline." And she hangs up.

A while later Stefan and Elena are sitting on a log while Rebekah and Mischief walk around for cell service. As I'm walking past them I hear their conversation. "And once again, everyones life is in danger looking for this cure all because poor Elena can't deal with being a vampire." She says, I roll my eyes at the girl who thinks every bloody living thing is about her.

"No, everyones here because they wanna be. Not just for you, but for themselves too." Stefan says, I decide to input my opinion before going to speak to Rebekah. "He's right. Not everything's about you Elena. Some people are here because they want the cure for themselves, like Stefan or Mischief and Rebekah, not just because poor Elena Gilbert has to drink a little blood." I scoff rolling my eyes once more before walking away towards Rebekah.

"Hey." I say as I stand next to her looking out towards the sea. "Hey. I heard what you said. Nice one." She says smiling.

I laugh before smiling as well. "Ye well bitch deserved it." I reply causing Rebekah to laugh as well.

"Hey! I got service." Mischief shouts as Rebekah and I walk towards him. As we arrive his phone rings. He answers and puts in on speaker. "Sup blondie." He greets.

"Hey, we have the translation of the tattoo. We're emailing you pictures of the map and instructions right now." Caroline says. Rebekah's phone beeps and shows the email.

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