Do Not Go Gentle

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

In the Mikaelson Mansion Klaus can be seen painting a very large oil painting. As Rebekah enters Klaus speaks, "What took you so long?" Klaus asks suspiciously since he remembers what Lucy told him the night before. "Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily I'm quite the charmer." Rebekah states strutting into the room waving the stake around. "Thats it?" Klaus asks smirking. "The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honours or shall I?" Rebekah says, holding the stake out in front of her for Klaus to grab. He smile before setting down his paintbrush and taking the stake out of his "sisters" hand before instantly throwing it in the fire. He smiles at Rebekah before turning back to his painting. "Well, that's that, then?" Rebekah says with a smile before heading to leave.

"Pack your bags. We're leaving." Klaus states as he continues to focus on his painting. "Today?" Rebekah speaks sounding surprised. "Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab Mischief, Lucy and the doppelgänger and be off." Klaus says almost nonchalantly while painting. "But tonights the decade dance." Rebekah retorts trying to find some reason to stay which Klaus notices and decides to inform the others later. "So?" He asks, trying to see what excuse Rebekah musters up. "I'm head of the committee. We have to go. Plus I want to have a dance with Mischief since I never got a chance to at Mothers Ball." Rebekah confesses. Shrugging her shoulders like its an obvious answer. "I'm not going to any dance." Klaus states. "Caroline will be there." Rebekah says, trying to get under her brother's skin so he agrees. "That means nothing to me." Klaus responds, clearly lying. "Please? I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me?" Rebekah pleads throwing puppy dog eyes at Klaus. He walks up to her trying to deny her before giving in with a sigh. "Okay, fine. One last hurrah." He says with a smile. "One last hurrah, Nik." Rebekah repeats.

Mischief POV:

After Klaus told Lucy and I what Rebekah told him, I knew for certain that this wasn't Rebekah. "You do realise, shes leading you two into a trap dont you." Lucy spoke up after combing through a grimoire. "Is there any way to figure out who or whats possessing her?" I ask, hoping for an easy fix to our problem. "Not without entering her mind which requires her be in out presence and unconscious. Also Klaus, you do know she probably never gave you the stake right. Which means she is still in possession of one." She states turning to Klaus as he narrows his eyes before sighing. "Bloody fantastic." He mutters before heading out the door with me following behind. "This is gonna be a pain." I say catching up with him. "Ye. I know." He says, we exchange one last look before speeding of in different directions.

I stop running when I reach the Salvatore tomb and hear voices inside. I listen closer before realising its Esther and Alaric. "If you are to kill all of my children. I will need to bind the protective magic in your ring to the stake, thus rendering the white oak indestructible." I hear Esther say. "Shit" I mutter before texting Lucy what Esther plans to do. Just as Alaric takes his ring of I speed into the tomb. "Ahh if it isn't Witch Bitch and Mr. Hunter man." I say, causing both to turn to me. "Mieczyslaw, good to see you." Esther says keeping a good hold on the ring. "Ye, enough chit-chat Esther, wheres Rebekah." I say ultimately ignoring Alaric since he cant do anything without his ring. "Shes laying in one of the coffins in the house. If you want to save her I would hurry up if I were you. I may have left a few shavings of white oak in her system. So its killing her slowly." She says with an innocent smile like what shes doing isn't bat shit crazy. I scowl at her before speeding of. The last thing I hear before im out of range is, "The ultimate weapon." I arrive at the house and quickly rush to the coffin room where I see Rebekah laying where Esther should be. I pick her up bridal style before speeding to Lucys room.

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