The Murder of One

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Mischief POV:"Hello, Finn" Klaus greets once we catch up with Finn

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Mischief POV:
"Hello, Finn" Klaus greets once we catch up with Finn. "Hello, Niklaus." He responds sounding tired and bored. "Finn" I greet with a nod, "Mieczyslaw." He does the same back as he continues walking. "I have nothing to say to you two." He says with a sigh, "Well we're not here to chat. I will ask you one time, though. Where's our mother?" Klaus asks with a grin on his face. "Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again." Finn confesses.

'Oh I sooo wanna punch him' I think with a smile. "What's got you smiling Mischief?" Klaus asks with a smirk. "Oh just that its so fortunate that we found Finn. Since we require his assistance." I reply with a similar smirk. Finn smiles in amusement before responding, "I have no wish to help you, either of you. Only to see you dead." My smile drops but before I can retort Klaus interrupts, "Right. You see, you wont be able to see me dead because if I die, then you die, so wish unfulfilled." Klaus snaps back with amusement. "Smart arse." I say with a smirk while shaking my head.

"Oh bother someone else with you hollow charms Niklaus." Finn snaps getting visibly more frustrated. "Why, when I can bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls. I have a witch there who can undo Esther's spell that linked us together." Klaus says. "I have no wish to be unlinked." Finn states staring at Klaus. Before Klaus can speak up Its my turn to speak. "Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase what Klaus said. You will come back with us or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted in for 900 years, because so help me god if one hair is harmed on Rebekah's head I will personally make it my life's goal to keep you alive to make sure you spend eternity in an indestructible body so you live the rest of you miserable, depressing, Mommy-kink life knowing that You. Can. Never. Die." I state with a glare that if he wasn't immortal would've killed him instantly.

Finns eyes widen as he speeds off right in the direction of Rebekah, before Klaus and I chase him I turn to ask "Too far?" He laughs slightly before responding "Nah mate, he was being a prat, he deserved it." I smile before speeding off after Finn and Rebekah. After speaking to Beks, Finn turns to be met with Klaus as I walk around to side with Rebekah, sliding my arm around her waist she smile at me before turning her attention back to the other two. "What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Finn asks,
"Oh, yeah, that's right. You've got a death wish. Fine. Pathetic, but fine. The thing is I'm not gonna let you take the rest of us down with you." Nik states before throwing Finn around like a rag doll ultimately knocking him down. I smile before saying, "Not gonna lie, kinda jealous you get to do that." I say, they both smile at me before picking Finn up.

3rd POV:

The doors to the Mikaelson estate get thrown open as Finn comes flying through, followed by Rebekah, Mischief and Klaus. "Gather your witches. Lets get his blood and get on with it." Rebekah states getting increasingly annoyed with her elder brother. "You cant force me to help you." Finn says slightly in denial. "Oh, I most likely could but why force when I can persuade?" Klaus says before gesturing to the staircase where Sage is currently walking down. "Hello, Finn" "Sage." Finn says in disbelief before rushing to his feet and meeting Sage at the bottom of the stairs to connect in an embrace. "What do you know? True love prevails." Rebekah says. "Damn right." Mischief says before pecking her on the cheek and heading out the door. "Where are you going?" Rebekah asks. "Got some business that needs attending to." Mischief says before speeding off.

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