Growing Pains

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Previously on Cured!

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Previously on Cured!

Lucy POV:

I arrive at the Manor seeing an unknown car outside. I enter before shouting "M, Bekah? You guys here?" I hear a laugh before turning around and my eyes widen. "Hello Min elskade. Long time no see."

Currently on Cured!

Lucy POV:
I stare in disbelief at my other best friend who me or M havent seen in around 100 or so years. Ye we check up on each other via phone and letters. "Wha- Oh M- IVAR!" I stutter before throwing myself onto him pulling him into a hug.

Mischief POV:

Rebekah and I arrive at the Manor to see an unknown car in the drive way. We look at each other in confusion before entering cautiously. "Lu! You in here?" I shout. "Through here." She responds. As we enter I see Lucy smiling and hugging someone who has there back to me. As Lucy sees me enter she releases the person. "Hello, who are you and why are you in our house?" I ask still visibly confused. Lucy sniggers, at my face but before I can comment the stranger speaks. "Is that anyway to greet an old friend, Min far." At hearing those words I freeze as my eyes go wide. Its silent for a moment before I start laughing softly, before erupting into an uncontrollable laugh. Rebekah looks at me alarmed and shocked. I calm down before rushing forward and pulling the stranger into a hug. "Im sorry to interrupt what I assume is a lovely reunion but who the bloody hell are you." Rebekah asks, her voice laced with confusion and still slightly raspy from crying earlier. "Oh sorry Beks." I say before moving to continue. "Rebekah Mikaelson meet Ivar Ragnarsson, my best friend and the one and only vampire in my sire-line." I Introduce.

Alex Høgh Andersen as Ivar Ragnarsson(The one and only)

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Alex Høgh Andersen as Ivar Ragnarsson
(The one and only)

After hearing each others names Ivar smiles widely. "Din kælling! You actually found her. Congrats!" He states. Rebekah smiles back. "So this is the one and only I hear about. The first and only vampire of my mischiefs sire line." Rebekah says with a smile. "So, not that Im not ecstatic your here. But what are you doing her Ivy." I ask, crossing my arms. "Well..." he says scratching the back of his neck. "I was out with some friends a few weeks back. When they suddenly just died. So I asked a witch friend of mine what happened and turns out to my surprise one of you Originals died causing every Vamp you guys have sired. So I decided what better a time to see you." He says with an innocent smile. I smile to myself before clapping my hand on his shoulder. "How about a drink?" I ask. "Sounds wonderful." He replies. I turn to Rebekah and Lucy. "You two gonna be good here?" I ask. "Ye, either going to do some spells and relax or help Bekah with whatever shes doing." Lucy responds. "Well I'm planning on going through Klaus' things and paintings and it would be much faster with some help." Rebekah responds with a sad smile. I walk over before pulling her into a hug "Its gonna be okay. I will be back soon." I whisper before turning back to Ivar who's sending me a questioning look. I shake my head and nod my head outside gesturing that I will tell him later.

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