*Special chapter* ~The princess.. In the kitchen?~

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*WARNING~ the characters is very OOC here~*


My brother , Ivan, Oliver, Kevin and I was having our elevenses as usual. My brother , Kevin and Ivan is currently reading a book, Oliver is busy with his phone while I'm only eating the cakes and enjoying the sweet taste of the cakes. Hans also make some scones for us and I absolutely loves it! Today's tea is also great! It's a rose tea from Charles. The scent is very relaxing and it's taste kinda bittersweet, mostly sweet though. Eating such a delicious cake and teas makes me want to make it by myself. I want to try~

"Hey, everyone! Let's make some cakes!!" I suddenly make a fist and grinned widely. The princes in front of me jumped a bit startled then they look at each other with a quite weird expression..

"Uhh.. But.. We already have this cakes. It's enough right?" Sieg smiled unnaturally and I raised my eyebrow. It's like they're hiding something from me. Hmmm.. Don't tell me they think I'm a bad cook!

"He-hey! You probably think I'm bad at cooking aren't you?!" I gasped and they quickly shook they're head in unison.

"Of course not, but well.. "Sieg laughed awkwardly and Ivan glared daggers at Sieg but Sieg elbowed Ivan lightly and make some eye language I don't understand

"I'm in the mood for pancakes!!"Oliver smiled widely and I nodded with happy expression.

"Well pancake then! I'm going to the kitchen now~ see ya!" I waved them a good bye and run to the kitchen at once.



Ivan's POV

"Sieg. Are you sure about this? Last time.. Sophielle make something for us.. You fainted." I glared at Sieg and grabbed his collar when Sophielle is not in the room anymore.

Yes, this is not the first time for us. I still remembered last time she make cakes or even an instant food for us.. We probably will have a stomachache or faint like Sieg for the worst. No.. From the looks it's fine, it looks delicious actually but after we take a bite or try it, that's when we knew she can't cook at all. Now, this guy with sister complex let her sister, who can't cook go into the kitchen.. How idiotic is that. I know I'm being out of character right now. Blame the author (-Akane_Kuro-) or Sophielle.

I just don't want to die in this way.

"You're over reacting, maybe she has learnt.. Something... To make ..something.. Taste.. Uh.. Normal." Sieg shuttered and I can feel he himself is not sure about Sophielle.

"Hmm? What's wrong with Sophielle?" Oliver asked Sieg and I but I can only kept quiet.

"Don't tell me..." Kevin looks like he got the point why Sieg and I being very anxious faster than Oliver. I stared at him and Sieg nodded.

"..Oliver...You just.. Make us doomed after this!!" Kevin looked like he really stressed as if the world is going to an end.

"Well, I don't remember any of t-that!" Oliver defended himself and Sieg sighed then glanced at the door.

Just when I have feelings she might get hurt or get the kitchen in mess I heard loud noises and some maids panicking then there's a knock on the door and Hans, Sieg's butler entered the room with messy uniform and ... Exhausted face.


"Your Highness... Please.. Stop.. The princess..." Hans make himself looks like he's about to die. He is shaking and I sighed before saying anything again I took a quick sip of my coffee and stood from my chair.

"Let's go. We are the only one who can stop this."

We exited the room and heading towards the kitchen immediately. Before Sophielle did something far more dangerous which can explode this whole castle. We ran to the kitchen and I can see the chef, maids and everyone was waiting in front of the kitchen door with worried expression and .. From inside there's some abnormal sounds which can't be described in words.

"Oliver. You're a man right? So go inside first!" Kevin pushed Oliver and Oliver eyes widened in disbelieve.

"I thought we are friends!"

"WELL NOT FOR THIS!" Kevin yelled and kept pushing Oliver to go inside. Oliver is pushing Kevin back and they kept pushing at each other until finally Sieg got the guts to go inside first.

"See you in the next life, Sieg!" Oliver looks happy but his happiness just last for a second.

"Who said I'm going alone? You're coming with me!" Sieg pulled Oliver and Oliver can only screamed like a little girl.




One second...



"Ivan. Kevin. You. Go."

Sieg and Oliver exited the kitchen and I sighed.

Guess this time Sophielle is way scarier than before.


"Fine." I opened the door and entered the room with Kevin.

"Soph-.." Kevin walked somewhere to look for Sophielle but then he became unexpectedly silent.

"..!!" I walked to Kevin and my eyes widened as I saw so many flour everywhere, frying pan on the floor, oil spilling everywhere and .. Everything was just so.. Messed up. That's when finally I saw Sophielle sitting in the corner.

".. Ugh.." I swore I can heard a sob came from her.

"I'm a girl.. I suppose to be the one who can cook, not Sieg!" I heard Sophielle whispering and I chuckled.



"!!!" Both Kevin and I called her at the same time and now we glared at each other. When I step forward he step forwards too.

"...." I glared again and this time he stopped following me

"Here you go."


And once again when I offered Sophielle my hand , Kevin held out his hand for her too.

"Oi." Kevin twitched his eyes and I clicked my tongue.

"Stop copying me." I said before glancing at Sophielle.

"You're the one who-!"

"Guys *sob* you supposed to be cheering me up now *sob*" Sophielle sobbed with a pout and I glared at Kevin.

"....How should I cheer you up?" Kevin asked Sophielle and slowly she pointed at some unknown ... Food? From the food we can sense a... Weird.. Aura and the food is loke letting out a sound.

"Don't eat me...."


Yeah a sound like that.

"Actually I'm full now, I'm in the mood for an ice cream. Let's go.." I took sophielle hand and pulled her so that she'll follow me to buy an ice cream outside.


"Hehehe, Ice cream is really good!!"

The next minutes the other princes, Sophielle and I was already outside the castle to go to an Ice cream shop. We all sighed in relief while watching Sophielle grinning and eating her Ice cream like a child. Oliver still look down though but Sieg is happy like Sophielle when he got his raspberry ice cream. Kevin and I still glaring at each other because we order the same ice cream.

However, I'm still really glad that I didn't eat Sophielle's pancakes..

And that's how this loud and weird day ended.

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