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"E-E-Eh?!! Wh-What do y-y-you mean by I-Ivan and K-K-kevin!?" My cheeks are red like tomatoes and my brother burst out laughing. If he laughed it just makes me blush even more and I felt really embarrassed.. Somehow. My brother won't stop laughing and I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Well, can't you see it..? They're mad about my cute little sister." Sieg laughed even more and I groaned still blushing. "Oh c'mon! Stop making fun of me Sieggy!" I quavered but then I regained my control. "Just be quiet."

"So who is it Soph? Kevin? Ivan?" My brother teased me and accidentally hit my injured arm. I hissed and then that's when he stopped teasing me and asking me if I'm okay. Of course I'm not.. Duh?! Sieg insisted to take a look at my arm so I let him, if it would make him stay silent.

"But I'm not going to just give you to one of them easily." Sieg continued and I sighed again, "Brother.. Please stop..." I frowned and he finally stopped. "Sorry." He muttered softly.

"How about YOU? Don't you have a crush or something.." I teased him back and he blushed. Wow, I didn't expect that. "W-Well.." He stammered again and I giggled. "Aww~" I commented and he told me to shut up.


We're Back at the castle and this time I saw other limousine. It's the Dres Van limo.. But who could it be? The guards also stood very tall and they look very.. Strong.. Don't tell me it's..

"Father?" Sieg raised his brow and then he glanced at Hans. Hans shrugged and then Sieg get out from the limo as soon as the limo stopped. I followed him of course. Is it really the king? My..father.

"Umm .. Brother! Wait for me ..." I run chasing Sieg and Sieg held out his hand to me. "Come on, we need to be quick." He said shortly before making me run even more faster.

Sieg dragged me into the throne room. Inside the room I can see 4 luxurious seat and anything that is expensive and rare. For example a painting from a famous painter, a gold flower pot and more. I felt kind of nervous. The king is sitting on one of the seat and next to him stood another man. His face is familiar to me but I couldn't remember it.

"Ah.. Sophielle..." The king, my father stood from his seat and walked up to me. I gulped and I can feel that I'm making a weird expression. I glanced at Sieg but he looked away avoiding my gaze.

"Welcome home..I finally can see my lovely daughter again." My father said with a faint sob. I was confused at first and it was awkward but in the end I just smiled softly. "I'm home father." I replied.

"Your majesty, how if this woman is not the real princess?" The man that has been standing next to my father suddenly spoke and as soon as he finished saying it my eyes widened in surprise.

"Ulrich, are you saying that you're not happy my sister is here?" Sieg asked the man back and the man looked embarrassed but he quickly erased his flustered face and with a cold voice he replied, "there are lots of woman saying they're the missing princess." Ulrich face hardened and Sieg only stared at him coldly.

"It might be true. However, This is the real Sophielle."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Gentleman.. Please lower your voice. I do believe that what Sieg saying is true. But.. Ulrich isn't fully wrong too." The king finally make them quiet and I looked down. "Ulrich why do you think she's a fake princess?" The king asked Ulrich and he shuttered. "W-well.. It just she doesn't have this aura as a noble." Ulrich answered and I gasped.

"That's make no sense." Sieg cut in and the king shushes him. "Ulrich for this I have to say you're wrong. She really is my daughter. She's the real Sophielle Lieben. I can see it from her eyes. I hope you can treat her kindly and respect her just like when you respect me." The king told Ulrich and Ulrich just nod.

"Very well. It's nice seeing you again.. Princess." Ulrich bowed lightly and I smiled. "Thank you."

But until the end of this meeting Sieg didn't speak anything. I just talk with father. Sharing what had happened to me and such.. Sieg must be have a bad relationship with Ulrich. But I have to admit I don't like being around him too..

"Soph." Sieg called me and I turned around to face him. "Hm?"

"Be careful around him. I don't trust him.." Sieg reminds me and I just nodded. "You know Sieg? I swore I've seen him before.." Sieg tilted his head and then he opened his mouth to say"maybe from when you're small?" I shook my head and bit my lips. "It's not like that.. I don't know but .. It just feels like that." I closed my eyes and put my hand on my forehead, trying to remember something.

"I see, I get it Sophielle. Don't push yourself now.. You need to rest." Sieg pat my head again and then he escorted me back to my room.

Inside my room I just sat on my bed. Still trying to remember something but it's hopeless. Sometimes I can remember what happened easily but sometimes it can be very hard especially if it's about my life before I was kidnapped. My head became dizzy but if I can't remember something it makes me want to remember it even more. I decided to take shower first and that's when my phone rang.

"Eh? Kevin..?" I quickly pick up my phone and then answered Kevin's call.

"Yo, Sophielle. How is your arm?" He asked with his cheerful tone and I chuckled. "It's fine... It hurt sometimes but it's better now." Kevin sighed in relief and then he asked me something again, "Is everything okay? You sounds exhausted." He soundd worried and I gulped before answering.

"I'm fine don't worry."

"Okay then.. Make sure you take lot of rest and don't be stupid." He said with a laugh. "Stupid? I'm not stupid..." I pouted and make my voice sounds annoyed. "Haha! You are stupid. You always get hurt." He said again still laughing. "I AM not."

"Well.. Just be careful. I'm worried you know." Kevin sounds embarrassed now and I blushed. "Y-yeah thanks." After thanking him we said our good byes and I hung up the call, still blushing.

"He's worried.. About me?" I tried to hold back my smile but I can't so I smiled while blushing and I hold my cheeks.

"It feels weird..."

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