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"Sophielle! Sophielle~" Oliver jumped and ready to hug me but Sieg stopped him by smiling and lightly tap Oliver on the shoulder. Ivan and Kevin are also giving Oliver a death stare, It gave everyone chill to be honest.

"Good evening Ivan, Kevin." I smiled at the princes and I can see a faint blush on their face. Hmm..? What is this.. Don't tell me..

"You looks different.. In a good way." Kuon who never talk to me finally said something good and I make a big smile. "Thank you!"

"Sophielle, you smelled like vanilla." Aslan who rarely talk to me smiled and I giggled. "That's because Brother gave me a perfume with the vanilla scent." I replied softly.

I excused myself and walking around. We still have 5 hours until new year when I watched people walking around and dancing, eating, drinking I saw someone that looks exactly like Cecelia. Maybe My eyes were playing trick on me but it feels just real. It just as if she was in the middle there and smiling as she dance alone. When I blinked again she's gone and I felt my head got very dizzy.

"..." Without even knowing it I fell on my knees and shutting my eyes tightly. Everyone must be staring at me now..

"..Sophielle, let's go." But then someone helped me stood and drag me somewhere. I thought it's my brother but it's not. It was Ivan. He held my small hand with his big and warm hand. Everyone staring at us but he's not paying attention to it. Looking at him makes me calm. Everything was blurry earlier but now .. I can focus only at him.



"Here. Drink this." We went into a waiting room and Ivan gave me water.

I nodded softly before drinking it then After I drank it Ivan then start bombarding me with questions. I don't expect him to be such a.. Mom. He kept asking what's wrong with me and if I'm okay. He doesn't really talk to anyone and now he's paying attention to me..that's kinda makes me..

"Sophielle? What's wrong?" He asked again and I make an 'oh' also 'umm'. For a moment I'm thinking whether to tell him about Cecelia or not. I can trust him but the problem is I'm not sure if he can understand it or at least think that the story make sense.

"'s.." But I'm also tired of locking Cecelia inside of my mind. So I decided to told him the truth. I told Ivan how I met Cecelia until how she end up dying.. I also told him what I saw earlier and about Ulrich knowing Cecelia stuff. Ivan didn't make any special expression at first but slowly his expression became softer and then when I finished telling him he then asked me this..

"You were lonely aren't you?"

Ivan is the youngest in the Chernenkov royal family. His sisters is way older than him so he always alone at the big castle. I think of all people , he's the one that can almost feel what I'm feeling. How painful and scary being lonely is. He won't admit it of course but I know it must be sad. No matter how strong someone is, we human are created to live together not alone. You may enjoy it at first but in the end you would be stressed all over it and eventually you would admit that being alone is not right.

"I am." I replied him honestly and I blushed a bit because that was embarrassing. "But now I'm not."

"Having a family and friends like now.. I'm happy. Some people choose to be sad and depressed after having bad days and kept complaining but I don't want to be like that. Being happy or sad is something we choose .. Not fate. So I choose to be happy and grateful now." I smiled from ears to ears and make a peace symbol with my index and middle finger.

"You're right." He placed his hand on my cheeks and heat rush to my cheeks at once. It feels nice to be honest. His hand are big but it's warm and soft.

We kept staying in that position and no one is making any noise.

"Sophielle I have something to tell you.." He finally said before muttered some words..

"I lo.."

(A/N): hello everyone! I'm sorry that I make the chapter so short x"D but I still hope you can enjoy it! Btw, thanks for the vote and follows and nice comments! It made my days. I couldn't believe people actually reading this crappy fanfic with super bad english :"D once again, Thank you~ <3 <3 <3 see you in next chapter!

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