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"Sieggy! Look, Look!" a little girl and a little boy running around the garden until finally the girl pointed at a bushes.

"Someone is there!" the little girl shrieked and she was very frightened.

"Stupid, there's nothing there." The boy laughed and just a couple minutes right after that someone jumped and attacked the little girl.


"No!" I screamed , panting heavily and all at once I regained my consciousness.

"Sophielle what happened?!" I slightly jumped at the sudden voice and sighed in relief. But now I can't remember what just happened in my dream.. It's blurry.

"uh, huh? Oh.. I.. Forgot." I really forgot about what I dreamed about and I realized we are still inside the limo but in front of the castle gate now.

"You keep saying no and shaking you know." Sieg sighed still worrying about me and then he turned to Hans.

"Am I wrong, Hans?"

"No you're royal Highness, you are very correct." Hans chuckled and I blushed.

"you both..."I hissed and blushed even more. I growled and then make a simple 'hmph' .

"Sophielle you looks like a hippo when they just woke up." Sieg laughed and I lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me?? You have problems with your eyes, Brother."

Then I saw something. It was a limousine... From sanct sybil? Why?

"Brother? Isn't that uh.. Ivan's limousine?" I pointed and he peered outside.

"That's true. I wonder why he's here."


When we get out from the limousine, Mikhail, Ivan's butler bowed to us and then he explained why are they here. They have to stay here because of the sudden snowstorm in Sanct sybil. they can't get home because of it

Sieg as a good ally gave a warm shoulders to Ivan and let him stay.

"Ivan, Ivan do you want to play chess?" I smiled brightly and asked him to play chess with me Since I'm bored.

"Oh? You really want to challenge me? challenge accepted." Ivan smirked and I started to regret my actions.

It's been 30 minutes since we started playing and the score is 2-2, a draw. I really hate this. He seemed to enjoy it but I'm not.

"I-Ivan you're so mean!" I shouted and Ivan smirked.

He looks so handsome..

Wait what am I thinking?!

"I'm sure you didn't remember this but...back then you really hate chess." Ivan looked curious and I kept quiet for awhile, thinking.

"Am I? Well maybe.. It's because of.. Back then." I put my face onto the table and smiled.

"Back then?"

"Well I went to orphanage. And I was alone. No one really want to talk to me so I played alone and I saw a chess. It was the first thing that caught my attention that time.." I yawned slightly and my eyelids grew heavier and heavier.

"... Sophielle?"


~Ivan POV~

"are you really asleep woman?" I want to laughed when I watched her. She looks defenseless and innocent.. Her face doesn't really change that much. It took me a minute to admit that she really grow into a beautiful woman. But she always the sleepy head and stubborn Sophielle.

"You're not alone Sophielle.. "

I whispered while patted her head gently. Thinking about back then makes me wonder..

When is her birthday?

I couldn't possibly forgot it..

Well, I'll find out about this sooner or later.

"..." I lifted her up then brought her to her own room.

I was lucky, Sieg is not here or he'll kill me.


Back to Sophielle's POV

"Uh..huh?" I opened my eyes ans found myself under the blanket.

What, don't tell me I accidentally.. Sleep again. Ugh, this is embarrassing.. moreover. I had this weird dream recently. It felt sad somehow but when I woke up I couldn't remember it anymore.

It just gone with the wind.

".. What is this all makes me dizzy." I hold my head and then I decided to jump out of my bed and get ready for breakfast. I'm in the mood to take shower first so I took it. Then I changed into a simple polkadots dress.

I just let my hair down and put on small lip balm. After I'm sure I look okay I left my room and heading towards the dining room.

"Good morning Your Highness. You're quite early today! I was just on my way to wake you up." Hans bowed to me and smiled when we accidentally met in the hallway.

"Really? What time is it.." I asked still felt a bit tired and lazy.

"It's still 5:30 AM, Your Highness." Hans replied shortly but clearly.

".. I'm going for a walk first-" before I can even finish my sentence Hans cut me with a rather loud voice.

"No!" Hans yelled then his expression softened, "Ah, Pardon my rudeness. However His Highness didn't allows you to go out from the castle even the garden because there might be attackers hiding there. " Hans grinned and I sighed heavily.

"I guess, he's not wrong but not entirely correct. I can defense myself." I complaint with a pout on my face accompanying me.

"But you're also a princess."

"I understand.." I slumped my shoulders and Hans bit his lips. He doesn't want to make me sad I guess.. I stared at him and suddenly he chuckled.

"Why don't you ask prince Ivan to accompany you?" Hans suggested and I took it thoughtfully.

"Well Prince Iv-"

"Are you guys talking about me?" Suddenly a voice approached me and I felt someone behind me.

"Kya! ..Oh it's you Ivan." I sighed in relief. Well not really.

"... Don't forget we are going to Nobel Michel today." Ivan reminded me.

"Yeah, but Can I take a little walk now?" I asked and Hans purposely cut me.


"If I accompany her would it be okay?" Ivan asked Hans if it's okay and Hans nodded lightly.

"Let's go!" excited, I took Ivan's arm and pulled him.


"Ivan, Ivan look! It's a Blue butterfly!" I chased the butterfly until I stumbled and fell.

"stupid woman." Ivan cough to prevent himself from laughing.

"Excuse me?" I hissed and then he burst out laughing. Wow, so he actually can laugh just like normal human-being.

"come on stand up." Ivan held his large hand out for me and I took it. We continue walking until I stopped infront of a small water fountain. I felt like I ever been here before. I'm sure of it. But..

"This Place..." I tried to remember but then I saw a person jumped onto me. Just then I heard a very loud yellings and a gun being shot also I felt my body burning.

"!!!" I jumped shocked and frightened just only to Know that I was imagining things. No one is here beside me and Ivan.

"what's happening?" Ivan asked me coldly but I can still sense kindness in his voice.

"...L-Let's go back." I turned around and start walking away with a very sour expressions.

What the hell did just happened to me?

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