Snack Time and Bonding!

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(Quick something! Do any of you remember the files Hajime was looking at last chapter? Welp. He never got the chance to show Nagito, and never will. Why? That's because best boy Hajime forgot about the files, and Nagito burned them! I also Headcannon Nagito as a pyromanic!)

Kokichis' POV

After the car thing, we made it to a house on Hope Street. How ironic. I died because of despair, and now I'm living in literal hope. We parked in front of a huge house..

Wait, what the (f word)?!

Holy (s word), this wasn't a house, this was a (f word +ing) mansion! Damn, which one of my fathers owns this place?!

Moving on from that, Hajime, as I heard his name was, helped stabilize my shaky walking. Normally, 5 year olds weren't supposed to suck this much at walking, but I was still getting used to the new body. Eventually, we made it inside the house. Holy mother, it was even better inside. I'm not even lying.

From what I could see, there were possibly 2 floors. Not everything was white as expected, though. Everything was colorfully decorated, but it looked so comfortable and...home-like at the same time. Actual human effort was put in to make the house seem so human, and the effort wasn't in vain. It looked absolutely perfect. I never even show all my emotions like this, so yeah.

"Maki...this is so beautiful!" I whisper-shouted to Maki.

She nodded, and went up to Nagito. Then, she tugged the bottom of his weirdly shaped jacket. What was up with that, anyways?

"Mr. Nagito? Is this our new home?" She asked.

'Nagito' nodded. Then, he smiled.

"Ah! How wonderful it is! 2 new additions to our new family Hinata-kun! We have to tell everyone!" Nagito delightfully jumped around while saying this.

"N-nagito...don't you think we should settle them down in the house, first? After that, we can them to everyone..." Hajime murmured.

Surprisingly, Nagito stopped jumping around, and silently seemed to agree with Hajime. Then, he came over to me, and said, "Do you like oreos(I just figured out that ending them in -es was completely wrong-)?" He asked me.

I had no idea what 'oreos' were, so I shook my head. He then sighed, and then motioned for Hajime to grab the shopping bag. Hajime obliged, and grabbed the bag. Nagito opened it, and took out a have no clue what the hell to call that thing.

That was besides the point. Anyways, the thing he held was green, and it displayed cookies that looked as if they had cream in the inside. I tapped the shoulder of Maki, who protectively stood behind me.

" these look good? Do you know what they are?" I asked her.

She shook her head. So, she was as oblivious as I was. I decided to take a shot, and not of alcohol(Alcohol was the 420th word). I opened it as it instructed me to. Nagito placed it on the table, and then placed me on a chair. I took a cookie out, and lightly bit into it. I swear when I tell you that my eyes lit up like Kiibos', I'm not exaggerating.

Since I obviously didn't want to possibly break Makis' childly feelings, I hopped off the chair, grabbed a cookie, and handed it to her. She seemed reluctant at first, but it wasn't because of me. She was awkwardly staring and analyzing the odd green cookie. I sighed, and broke a little piece off, handing it to her. She took it, and she popped it in her mouth. She kept a stoic face as she finished chewing.

"It tastes nice, but it isn't exactly in my zone of favorite foods. Most likely, it'll go into the zone of 'foods that are good enough to eat'." She said.

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