Congradulations To Us!! 🎊❤️🎉

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Ales Mom: Mija sit
Y/N: okay mamá
Ale: Y/N from the day i first called you sis i knew i would never take it back. You've made me know what it feels like to have a sister. You showed me love and cared for me. You treated nano with care and love and you treat my dad and mom as if they were your own. I knew the day that i asked you to move in that i wanted you to stay forever and be my sis but i obviously can't do that without adopting you. This gift i'm about to give you will mean a lot to you and it would also mean a lot to me and my family. So y/n here....
I had tears in my eyes but also a confused face on what they were giving me it was an envelope. I slowly open it and take out the papers inside it was two papers one with a whole paragraph from ale and his family so i read it aloud....

Dear Y/n L/n
Happy Birthday y/n!!! We love you so much. You've meant so much to our family and we can't thank you enough for putting a smile on our faces. You are beautiful and kind and such a warm hearted girl. We love you as our own daughter and sister. As if we have given birth to you. You treat us like your own and we treat you as our own. We joke around and playfully fight. We help one another, making eachother laugh and cry. We have made so many memories with you and hope to make more. We want you to be officially part of our family so Y/n will you do the honors and let us Adopt You....

- The Rosario Family

I looked up at them with tears in my eyes, tears of joy and then i look over at mattia and kairi they were crying too and had smiles on there faces, I looked at ale and he was trying his best not to cry but they were just streaming down.

Ales Mom: So what do you say Mija would you like to join our family...?
Y/N: no i wouldn't like to join your fam....
Ale: oh...
Y/N: I would love to join your family!
They smile widely and hug me
Nano: YAYYYYY!!!
Ales Dad: i'm so glad mija!
Y/N: Me too papá
He smiled widely in shock that i called him dad for the first time.
We let go of the hug and i yell
Y/N: Group hug!!!!
We all gather around and hug eachother. Soon enough after talking and chatting little by little the boys and there family's were leaving. Mattia had stayed behind because he wanted to stay the night.
Mama: mija go and have fun i got it
she said to me while i helped her clean
Y/N: mama it's okay i can help
Mama: mijaaaaa
Y/N: mamaaaaaa
we both giggled, ale walked in and wrapped his arm around my neck
Ale: what you guys giggling about
Mama: she won't stop helping
Ale: well in that case mattia is calling you
Y/n: Ale!
Ale: what i'm serious, go i'll help mom
Y/N: you better i'll be asking her
they both smiled and hummed and I squinted my eyes before going to ales room where mattia was in.
Y/N: yes mattia what was so important that you needed to pull me away
Mattia: seriously no hey babe or hugs just why you want me here, fine bitch i'll leave
he joked
Y/N: adiosss mattia
he frowned
Mattia: are you mad at me?
Y/N: no mattia why
Mattia: see yes you are you keep calling me by my name :(
Y/N: awww bebe i'm sorry
i say walking over to him since he was now standing. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips.
Y/N: i'm not mad at you silly i promise 🥺
Mattia: you owe me a lot of besos for doing that to me 😠
Y/N: haha okay deal
He smiled and pulled me in for hug and kissed the top of my head
Mattia: i love you beautiful
Y/N: i love you too
Ale: where's my hug
ale had came out of no where
Mattia: where the fuck you come from
Ale: ✨ magic ✨
Y/N: get your ass in here
i say opening my arms for him to join the hug.
Y/N: This is so crazy to me.
Ale: I know
Y/N: never knew i'd be here today

2 Years Later
Ale: Sis get up our graduation practice is in 2 hours
Y/N: okay i'm up i'll get ready
He nodded and left my room. Yes i was finishing my senior year. It's been Two years since my birthday and since i got adopted and life's been great. I have my grad practice in two hours and i'll be graduating in a few weeks. Senior Prom is tomorrow and mattia had asked me out. We've been dating for 3 years which is insane i'm 17 and he's 18. I'm scared honestly i'll be leaving home in 2 months and i'll be going to NYU. Mamá doesn't want me to go and papá well he's sad. Mostly because i moved into there home two years ago and i'll be out in just a few months. I'm bummed out to i'll be going against the world on my own now. Me and Ale have gotten super close we do everything together. He hasn't talked to me much since he found out i was going to NYU, he's really upset that i won't be by his side no more and honestly it hurts me too because he's my brother and my bsf and leaving him is going to kill me. Mattia isn't so upset he said he'll be visiting me here and there and that he's gonna always be on a call with me so it feels like we haven't left each others side and i agreed. I'm glad he isn't so upset and is gonna make our relationship work. Anyways i was now doing my hair and touching up my makeup. I put on my gown and cap for the practice. And headed downstairs. Everyone smiled but mamá she was tearing.
Y/N: Mamá i'm not leaving yet or graduating yet stop crying or imma cry
she giggled
Mom: Sorry mija you just grew up so fast and you'll be leaving soon
Y/N: i'm going to visit ma don't be silly and you can always give me a call.
Soon enough ale came down and i couldn't help but tear just imagine how much i'm going to cry when we graduate or when i leave them behind.
Y/N: you look great ale
Ale: so do you sis
Mom: okay let's go mijos we don't want to be late.
I grabbed a bar and a water and we headed out. We arrived to the stadium where we were going to graduate holy fuck it's almost over. I saw mattia from across the stadium, he smiled and ran over to me. I gave him a hug and a warm kiss.
Mattia: it's almost over baby
Y/N: i know bub we're growing up too soon
The practice started, we practiced walking down the stage and what time i was going to do my speech my family and friends didn't know i was going to be doing a speech so they said i could practice the speech on my own. We were all done and now headed home. While in the car i had looked over at ale. He still hasn't talked to me much today besides a few words in the morning.
Y/N: ale...
Ale: hmm
Y/N: ¿que paso?
Ale: nada
Y/N: alejandro talk to me please
Ale: it's okay i'm good
Y/N: please ale tell me what's on your mind
Ale: Y/N.... i'm really going to fucking miss you, we both got so attached to eachother that i don't know how the fuck i'm gonna let you go. Your my lil sis and i can't imagine you walking away from me. I want to be by your side and protect you like i always do. I wanna be there for you. I want to be able to hold you in my arms while you cry there like i always do. I don't want you to leave me sis. It's going to hurt me so much. I'll be worried and scared and one day you'll be off living your life and i won't be able to handle the pain of you getting married and having kids and moving out. I really want you to stay and go to collage with me but i know NYU is a one and life time opportunity and i can't stop you from living your dream. Sis promise me this, promise me you'll call me and visit and promise me our bond won't break and we continue to make memories.
Y/N: Ale i promise i'm not going to forget about you or leave you all alone i'll visit and call you 24/7 i'll check up on you and i'll make memories with you just like we always do. You'll always have me as a lil sis i'm not leaving you at all okay. You are my other half my bsf my brother and i will never forget everything you've done for me. We both are going to walk across that stage and say we made it and i'll thank you because i made it all because of you and your family. I love you ale always and forever.
We both smile as we had tears in our eyes we hugged tightly and for a long time. I could tell he didn't want to let me go so i let him stay there. Eventually he fell asleep. We arrived home but i told mama to go inside and that i'll let ale rest for a bit she nodded and i just stayed there with ale in my arms waiting for him to wake up. After an hour he had finally woke up. He stretched and realized where he was he looked up at me and i just smiled.
Y/N: rise and shine you goof
he giggled
Ale: sorry for falling asleep
Y/N: that's okay, naps after crying hit different
he nodded.
Ale: okay let's go inside i'm hungry
I laugh and we head in.
Mom: so how was your nap mijo
we both laughed
Ale: really good actually

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