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The boys came back and told us to come eat so we went to eat. While eating I came up with a amazing but also crazy plan.

Y/N: hey guys I kinda have a crazy but also amazing plan
Kairi: spill bitch
Ale: what is it sis?
Y/N: you guys wanna leave camp and take a long ass drive tonight with no real destination since we don't have comps tomorrow we can come back anytime we want.
Mattia: what if we get caught
Y/N: we won't there's a pathway I came threw when coming to comps and then when I arrived I saw the entrance and where everyone else was coming in so no one knows about path way. If we go threw the path way my car is parked we can go in my car. So y'all down
Kairi: yessir
Ale: hell fucking yeah
Mattia: bet im down
Y/N: should I invite mar?
Mattia: yeah you should
Kairi: Can I invite hector?

I stayed silent Mattia looked over at me then spoke for me.

Mattia: nah he probably won't be awake by the time we leave he sleeps early
Kairi: oh yea your right

Ale looked over at me and saw something was wrong he mouthed "what happened" "ill tell you later" I mouthed back.

We went back to the cabin and just chilled before we went. The boys went to there bed and I went to mine.


Y/N: Yo you trynna take a long drive with me and the boys off camp tonight since we dont got comps tomorrow

Mar: bet when?

Y/N: at around 11:50pm

Mar: Bet im down

I looked up from my phone and saw ale lay next to me I smiled as he gave me a smile in return

Ale: hey
Y/N: hello dimples
Ale: dimples!? That's new
I giggle
Y/N: new nick name
Ale: any ways spill what happened
I tell him the whole situation with mar hector and I from start to finish
Ale: wow have you spoke to him
Y/N: not yet but I will

We then just chilled for a while til the time came. It was now 11:50pm mar had already came to our cabin. I got everything we needed blankets snacks phones chargers. Then we headed out.

Y/N: okay follow me guys but be quiet
Kai and ale step on a branch and start giggling
Mattia starts laughing while mar holds his laugh in
Y/N: mattia you stupid fuck shut up
Mattia: sorry *he whispers*
We make it to the pathway and start heading through it to my car we finally make it and look for my car we find it and jump in.



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