I missed you like crazy 🥺❤️

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September 8th 1:23pm
Day before school
Location : Jersey, Alejandros House

Yup I moved in with Alejandro and I was happy because he was like a brother to me and they were taking good care of me I haven't seen mattia in a few days though and I'm missing him ale said we could see him today so I was excited. Right now I was chilling next to ale in his bed with my head on his shoulder watching him on his phone scrolling threw insta and Tiktok. Mattias name popped up saying he was typing on Snapchat and I had a huge smile on my face but he wasn't texting me I really didn't care though ale looked over at me and let out a chuckle.

Ale: your such a simp
Y/N: hey! he's my boyfriend I'll simp for him if I want to
Ale: yeah yeah

He took a snap of us and sent it to him

He took a snap of us and sent it to him

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He then texted him


She's such a simp for you
Once she saw your name pop up on my screen she had the hugest smile on her face
Mattia is typing.......
Aww my baby tell her I miss her 🥺
She misses you too

Mattia didnt know i was going over today me and ale planned on suprising him. After texting him we decided why not just go over now. I got ready and wore....

Ale: woah woah woah nah uh go change Y/N: ALEEEEEE YOU ALWAYS DO THIS I whine Ale: I don't give a fuck you ain't wearing thatY/N: why though Ale: it's too showy their He looked away and moved his arm around my chest area and I just laughedY/N: gos...

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Ale: woah woah woah nah uh go change
I whine
Ale: I don't give a fuck you ain't wearing that
Y/N: why though
Ale: it's too showy their
He looked away and moved his arm around my chest area and I just laughed
Y/N: gosh your so over protective but since I love you I'll go change
Ale: thank you

Y/N: okay how about this Ale: woah okay that fit fire okay now let's go Y/N: alright bet I grabbed my phone my charger and my wallet and hopped into his car we jammed to music until we arrived I greeted his mom who was really nice and very pretty ...

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Y/N: okay how about this
Ale: woah okay that fit fire okay now let's go
Y/N: alright bet
I grabbed my phone my charger and my wallet and hopped into his car we jammed to music until we arrived I greeted his mom who was really nice and very pretty and she let us in I followed ale to his room since he's been to his house many times. We knock on his door and we hear him yell come in. We walk in and he puts down his controller and turns around he sees us and runs over to me picking me up and spins me around.
I giggle and kiss him
Y/N: yeah I missed you
Mattia: I missed you like crazy
He puts me down and daps up ale
Mattia: what's up bro
Ale: sup, anyways imma go meet up with kairi and I'll let you too be alone
Y/N: alright bet love you
Ale: love you too sis
We hug and he says bye to mattia
Ale: bye mattia
Mattia: alright bye ale
Once ale leaves he picks me up and throws me into the bed and jumps on top of me and I giggle
Y/N: hi there
He pecks my lips
Mattia: I missed you
Y/N: I missed you too
Mattia: besos? 🥺
Y/N: sure
I flip him over and now its me laying ontop of him
Y/N: where?
He starts pointing where he wants me to kiss him. First the left side of the cheek then the right, then his nose which makes him giggle, then his lips then he points to his neck I smirk at him and leave a soft kiss on his neck.
Mattia: keep going
Y/N: on the neck?
He nods
Mattia: mmhmm
I continue leaving soft kisses on his neck
Mattia: fuck!
He says while heavily breathing, I then get off him and walk over to his gaming chair
Mattia: nah uh your not doing this again
I laugh
Y/N: doing what
Mattia: I love you but I hate you right now
I giggle
Y/N: come here
He walks over I get off his gameing chair and make him sit then I climb on his lap and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck burying my head into his shoulder
Y/N: let's stay like this for now
Mattia: but only cause I love you
He then puts on his headset and starts playing some game with the boys, I knew he was playing with the boys because I could hear ale and kairi yelling through the headsets. Mattia wasn't trying to scream as much though.
Mattia: The other side dumb fuck
I laugh and mattia smiles
Kairi: There is no other side!!
Ale: you idiot it's right there
I could hear the boys say.
Mattia: your fucking blind I swear to god we are going to lose because of you
I pick up my head from his neck and look at him and say
Y/N: you may lose the game but you won't lose me
He smiles big and kisses me
Mattia: promise?
Y/N: promise
I peck his lips on more time before I hear kairi say something
Kairi: stop your lovey doves shit and play the fucking game you corny ass mf
Y/N: may I?
I say while taking mattias head phones, he nods and I put them on
Mattia starts dying of laughter and I can hear ale start dying of laughter to as kairi is quiet
Y/N: Thats what I thought bitch
Ale: yo she put you in your place
He laugh, I give mattia back his head phones and bury my face back into his neck. I eventually fall asleep. A 2 hours later I'm still in the same position except mattia is on his phone posting on his spam, while his other hand is under my sweater rubbing my back gently. I turn my head on his shoulder now facing his bed.
Mattia: babe you awake
I nod my head
Y/N: mhmm, I'm sorry for sleeping on you
Mattia: don't be sorry silly I love when your in my arms
I lift my head and peck his lips repeatedly, he picks me up while walking over to the bed he places me down hovers over me. He then starts kissing my neck leaving hickeys and making me make small moans. I then take off my sweater and crop top that I had on he then pulls down my pants. Blah blah blah. I give him permission and he goes on me slowly because it's my first time. Blah blah blah
(Yeah I'm not writting to much smut I'm only writting a little cause y'all like that shit for some reason but yea you lost your v card to him that's it period end of smut yuck)
He then plops down beside me with both of us breathing heavily.
Y/N: holy shit
Mattia: that was amazing
I smack his arm playfully
Mattia: ow what was that for
Y/N: stfu 😂
He chuckles
I go into the bathroom to take a shower but when im about to get up i fall. Mattia laughs
Y/N: fuck you mattia
Mattia: you already did
I whine
Mattia: okay okay im coming amor
He takes me to the bathroom and puts me in the shower and then leaves closing the door behind me.
Heres something i didnt update because i was taking a break for a whike but now im back so yea this is not the best chapter but i needed to post for yall anyways i lovw you guys muah

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