It cant be him! Is it?!

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Y/N Pov:

I woke up with Mattia laying on my stomach I slowly broke free and went into the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower and did my regular morning routine. I put on this outfit....

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Mattia on his phone he looked up and saw me and gave me a pouty face

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I walked out of the bathroom and saw Mattia on his phone he looked up and saw me and gave me a pouty face.

Y/N: what's wrong bb?
Mattia: you left me
Y/N: haha I had to get ready and plus you have comps so go get ready you bum
Mattia: oh so you wanna be like that okay fine! im leaving
Y/N: omg you'r such a big baby? fine leave meanie!

I walked over to ale and hugged him and put my head on his shoulder.

Ale: Goodmorning sis
Y/N: Goodmorning broskie
Ale: why you being all lovey dovey with me
Y/N: because mattia wants to be mad just cause I left him and got ready for the day and plus I haven't hung out with you in a while
Ale: ahh mattia is such a big baby
We both laugh
Ale: your gonna watch me at comps today because if not I'm not playing
Y/N: yes I am but even if I wasn't I would have forced you anyways hehe
Ale: meanie!
I giggle
Y/N: come on let's go get breakfast
Ale: okie dokie let me just get ready I'll be out in a few
Y/N: alright

I headed to the cafe and ate shortly after ale came then after hector came.

I hugged him
Hector: Goodmorning precious, hey ale
Ale: what's up!
They dapped each other up
Hector: you guys ready for today
Ale: yessir
Y/N: you guys will do good I know it
Hector: where's kairi and mattia
Y/N: i don't know about Kai but mattia was being kinda annoying this morning
Hector: what happened
Ale: he's mad at her for leaving him to get ready
Hector: bruv
Y/N: exactly
We laugh then I see mattia walking in I roll my eyes
Y/N: imma go by the lake I'll meet you guys when comps are about to start okay
They look over to see where I'm looking and just laugh and nod there head okay I walk away and leave as mattia approaches the boys.
End of Y/N POV

Mattia approaches the boys

Mattia: what's her deal
He says while dapping them up
Hector: you
He laughs
Mattia: what!
Ale: your so annoying and such a baby
Mattia: I just wanted cuddles 🥺
Hector: damn mattia has a soft side didn't know that
Ale laughs
Mattia: oh shut up "bubba"
He said mimicking y/n
Hector: woah there buddy mimicking your girl I see and I ain't your bubba homie-sexual looking ass
Mattia: I will beat you up
They all laugh
Ale: I can't with you bruh

They finish eating and head over to practice before comps start.

I was sitting by the lake thinking. Until I started overthinking. What if I'm not good enough for mattia, he's too good for me. Does he actually love me? I'm so ugly why does he want me? I was overthink a lot as tears formed in my eyes. I kinda wanted to go home I didn't know why but I did. Maybe because I missed the feeling of being alone and maybe because I wasn't used to all of this all I knew was that I would be okay. I wiped my tears and headed over to watch the boys play. They looked over at me and waved I waved back but hector knew something was wrong and gave me confused look he walked over and hugged me.

Hector: I don't know why your sad but I just wanna let you know I love you and everything will be okay
Y/N: thanks bubba I needed that break a leg
Hector: I'll try not to physically
He looked down at my leg as we laughed

End of POV:

Hectors pov:
I saw y/n come back from the lake something was off about her I walked over and hugged her she smiled and thanked me. I walked over to mattia and told him something.

Hector: ayo bro you should really check on your girl after comps
Mattia: yea sure why is everything okay
Hector: I don't know but it looks like she was crying that's why I went up to her I didn't bother telling her what was wrong I just told her I knew something was wrong and that everything would be okay. All I'm saying bro is to be their for her. I know she's not mad about this morning because she isn't the type to get mad over little things but for right now I think she needs you.
Mattia: thanks man for telling me I will talk to her after comps
Hector: anytime keep her safe for me
Mattia: yea of course

Y/N is my bestfriend I don't like seeing her sad it kinda hurts me. When we were kids I did have a crush on her but I never told her because I didn't want to ruin something we already had. Mattia was a good guy I just hoped he didn't break her or use her for the summer and then dip and break up with her when summer was over. I wanted him to protect her because I wanted to see that smile on her face because it made me smile. She's a bright girl with many dreams which one day I know she will accomplish and I hope to be friends with her til the end and watch her accomplish all her dreams.
End of hectors pov

The comps started and the boys played as y/n cheered at one point y/n realized something. She realized a curly headed kid from the blue team kept trynna get at hector. He kept shoving him and pushing him and giving dirty looks. He even cheated and some how the instructor didn't notice and the red team lost. Y/N was getting mad at this point she looked at the kid once again she knew him from somewhere but couldn't remember who he was just like how she had feeling she knew hector and turned out she did. She thought what if it was the same thing as hector but with him all over again.

This curly headed kid from the blue team kept getting at hector and I was getting pissed. I looked at the guy once more and I felt like I recognized him but I didn't know who he was just like how I thought I heard of the name hector before but didn't know if it was him except this time I recognized the face but didn't make out who he was or where I seen him or what his name was. I also didn't know why he was getting at hector when he did nothing wrong. The comps were over and I decided to follow the guy. He went into the woods and kicked anything he saw like he was angry. I went up to him and talked to him.

Y/N: hey!!! What is your problem why were you getting at my friend back there at comps!!
He turned around and saw me as his anger dropped and he was shocked to see me
???????: y/n......??
I backed away on how he knew who I was when I didn't know who he was
Y/N: how do you know my name...
??????: it's me Mariano aka mar do you not remember me
Y/N: mar.... I knew I seen you some where what the fuck are you back on your bullying and anger control shit
Mar: I'm sorry....
he came over trynna hug me but I flinched thinking he was gonna hit me
Mar: ar- are you still scared of me
I looked down
Y/N: you were my friend mar until you started bullying me and hector why mar why.....?

Authors note:
Had to update but I hope you enjoy this I love you all and I'll update soon love you goodnight 😴 also thanks for 8k reads I love you all <3 

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