Your not the person I became friends with

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There they were standing jake had his arms crossed and eyebrows raised eyes full with disappointment. While hector was there eyes filled with anger and sadness. I couldn't look at hector the same way anymore he snitched. I looked over at the boys mar was furious while the others had there heads down scared as to what jake would say. Me on the other hand I was nervous.

Jake: glad to see y'all back at camp, you know I'm very disappointed that you guys broke the rule and left camp.
Y/N: please don't blame them it was my idea I'm sorry
Jake: y/n come here
Y/N: yes sir

I walked over to him not knowing what he would say just hoping he wouldn't say anything that will hurt the boys.

Jake: I was counting on you y/n I didn't think you were the type of person to influence this type of behavior, I thought you followed the rules
Y/N: I'm really sorry it won't happen again I learnt my lesson
Jake: I forgive you and I know it won't happen again but I still have to punish you guys, so there for you guys will be off of comps for two days

My heart sank because I knew the boys loved participating in comps especially mar fuck this all my fault.

Y/N: okay sorry again
Jake: it's alright now head to bed

He walked away I didn't look at hector I just walked to the boys and put my head down in sadness.

Y/N: I'm so sorry guys

A tear fell from my face I was disappointed in myself I should have thought about the consequences even worse we could have been disqualified and have to head back home and separate.

Mattia lifted up my chin and wiped my tear away and gave me a peck on the lips
Mattia: it's okay you were only trynna have a good time
Mar: he is so done
Mar went over to hector and punched him
I ran over to him but hector started fighting back and a fight broke out I tried my best to separate them the boys ran over kairi and ale held back hector and me and mattia held back mar. I hugged him tight and cried onto his shoulder and kept apologizing.
Y/N: I'm so so sorry mar I didn't mean for this to happen it's okay if you hate me I deserve it, I know how much comps meant to you and I ruined it for you.
He hugged me back even tighter
Mar: please don't cry, it's okay I'm just mad he snitched this is his fault not yours

We slowly let go of the hug he lifted my chin and wiped my tears away and smiled I looked over at mattia he nodded his head that he was okay with it. I turned back to where hector and the other boys were and I walked up to hector.

Y/N: I don't know who you are anymore hector, your not the person I became friends with what you did to mar wasn't okay of you and what you did now is so unbelievable you aren't like this hector why are you doing this. I don't want to talk to you anymore I'm sorry, kairi and ale take him and clean him off please.
Kairi: okay
Hector: y/n wait
Y/n: I'm sorry bubba I got to go

A tear fell off my face once I called him his nickname. I turned away and walked to mar and grabbed his hand and grabbed mattias hand I  led them to the cabin. I told mattia to wait on  my bed as I clean up mar. We head into the bathroom and I tell him to sit on the counter. I pull out a rag and wet it. Then I start to clean off mars nose.

Mar: sssssss
Y/N: I'm sorry does it hurt
Mar: yea but your fine

I then grab a cream and put it around his black eye so it get lower the swollen-ness. Once I'm finished I hug him tight again.

Y/N: I'm sorry again
Mar: y/n I swear it's okay it's only two days I will live.
Y/N: promise
Mar: promise

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