Im sorry, i love you ❤️

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❤️Liked by kaispam, thisaintmattia, Rosariospam, 1,290 others Y/N_Spam I really wanna go home, being alone and kept to myself was better then opening up

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❤️Liked by kaispam, thisaintmattia, Rosariospam, 1,290 others
Y/N_Spam I really wanna go home, being alone and kept to myself was better then opening up.....
View all 198 comments
thisaintmattia babe no I love you
Y/N_Spam @thisaintmattia I need you to explain...
User1 why is he so cute though
Y/N_Spam @user1 hes always been cute
liked by thisaintmattia and 20 others
Rosariospam please dont go...
User3 can I fuck him he's just 😍🤤
Y/N_Spam @user3 no you may not he is mine and only mine
thisaintmattia @y/n_spam @user3 sorry imma have to agree with my girl im hers only
3 minutes ago

Alejandros pov:

Ale: dude you need to explain to her
Mattia: I just dont want to see her in pain, I dont want to break her she's my only happiness
Ale: bro she loves you she'll understand, you just need to calm your anger your scaring her by yelling
Mattia: I feel like she's losing feelings and likes you
Ale: What!!?! Why would you say that?
Mattia: you both are so close an-
I cut him off
Ale: are you fucking serious Mattia you are so dumb me and her think of each other as siblings because she never felt what its like to have an older brother, and she sees me as her older brother gosh Mattia you are so fucking stupid
Mattia: I- I didn't know
Ale: that's because you never pay attention and ask and always jump to conclusions, also her and Kairi are bestfriends nothing more, Kairi sees her as a sister and doesn't like seeing her hurt and neither do I and the only person that's hurting her is you....

I got up and stormed off I was angry and upset and mostly disappointed.

Mattias Pov:

Mattia: FUCK!!!

Ale was right I was the only one hurting her and if what ever ale said is true then wtf does y/n think of me. I'm supposed to be her boyfriend the one that takes care of her and loves her and doesn't get angry at her or scare her. I fucking messed up big time. god wtf is wrong with me. I posted on my spam and she commented "dont cry baby" I could tell she cared. a few minutes she posted on her spam a pic of me and the caption was she wanted to go home where it was better alone when she was quiet and didn't open up. she wants me to explain but if I explain to her its gonna be a trashy reason cause it is and also a stupid reason. I dont want her to get more upset then she already is Arghhhh!! I have to text mar.


yo i messed up bad I need your help

what you do buddy

I scared my girl

Scared as in pranked her or scared as in she's terrified of you

Lets go with I keep yelling and she starts shaking and blah blah blah just come to my cabin ill explain

Aight im coming be there in 2

He's either gonna react like ale and hate me and storm off or he's gonna help me. Theres a chance he's gonna help me since its Y/n his best friend. I hope she doesn't go home I mean after all she can go home since she has a broken ankle and won't be able to participate in comps except in the crafts and music activities. I sigh.

Y/N pov:

Kairi: do you actually wanna go home
I nod my head yes
Ale: Why?
I look behind me to see that ales back I give him a slight smile.
Y/N: I feel like i'm ruining your guys friendship with Mattia and I just I dont know.....
Ale: dont say that you aren't doing anything wrong
Kairi looks down with a sad expression
Kairi: please dont go
Y/N: I dont know guys I love you guys all so much but I feel like im gonna ruin a great friendship that you guys have with each other.
Ale: please don't go your like a sister to us we don't wanna see you leave and live by yourself again we wanna be with you
Y/N: fine I'll stay for you guys
They smile and hug me
Y/N: hey guys can I have some time alone I just want to clear my mind
They nod there head yes and leave

Mattias POV:

Mar was now at my cabin I explained to him what happened and he just sighed.

Mar: look you need to calm down she's independent she likes doing things on her own she can take care of herself, yeah she hurt herself but you don't need to worry and besides you really didn't have to yell at kairi when clearly it was an accident.
Mattia: ugh I'm so stupid! so what do I do?
Mar: go after her apologize tell her how you feel explain to her she'll understand she always does there was never a day where she was mad at someone and never forgave them you need to go chance your girl
Mattia: *sigh* do you know where she is
Mar: most likely by her favorite spot
Mattia: alright thank you
Mar: anytime now go

I put on my shoes and walk out to find her I see the boys coming back and I just walk past them I see her sitting on the bench with her wheelchair next to her and letting the air hit her skin. I walk over and sit next to her. She turns and faces me with tears in her eyes she hugs me tightly and doesn't let go.

Mattia: I'm sorry y/n

She let's go of the hug and cups my face and kisses me. We pull away from the kiss and touch our foreheads.

Y/N: I love you mattia and I hate seeing you mad
Mattia: I know I'm sorry I just hate seeing you hurt knowing that the first reason you even got hurt in the first place was because of me and I hate that you only tell ale and not me when I'm your bf
Y/N: mattia I see ale as a brother and he takes care of me as a brother I don't tell you I'm hurt because I don't want you to worry
Mattia: I'm sorry
Y/N: come here
She opens her hands for me to hug her, I put my head in between her shoulder and neck as she plays with my hair
Y/N: I'm always here mattia I won't hurt you
Mattia: I love you y/n please don't leave me
Y/N: I'm not gonna leave you, listen to me you have been broken and hurt by your exes but I'm no where near them okay I'm here and I'm not leaving okay
Mattia: okay.....
Y/N: do you wanna go back to the cabin
Mattia: not yet I wanna stay in your arms
She giggles and continues to play with my hair
Y/N: okay

Authors note: should I end this story let me know also should I start uploading my new story I already have 3 parts. Let me know, I love you guys ❤️ also thanks for 98k reads and 1k votes muah 😘

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