Talked it Out

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I sat there tears flowing down my face is this the girl I wanted to be. I mean yes I was only sticking up for myself and mar. But I used to be this shy girl who didn't hurt a fly. Yes I was happy that I became confident and opened up. But also now I'm scared that if I keep opening up to the wrong people I will get fucked over and they will just walk all over me and leave. I just wiped my tears away and let the breeze hit my skin.

Mars Pov:
Y/N started a fight with my ex she wasn't like that at all she never liked fighting. I know she did it for me and herself but she fought her so bad Alessya couldn't even move she was moving in pain. Where was all this anger coming from. I felt bad for Alessya so I had to help her yes she's my ex but she's fucked up bad.

Mar: here grab my hand I'll help you as much as I don't want to I have to because your hurt

She just gave me a slight smile and grabbed my hand as I pulled her up. I looked over at the boys who were still in shock no one went to check on y/n. I would have thought mattia would have went but he didn't. I turned back to Alessya and told her if she needed help cleaning up she said she was good that she would just tell the nurse a stupid excuse. I nodded my head and went to the boys.

Mattia: I- I don't know what to say
Kairi: where did it come from
Ale: she was protecting herself
Mar: that's not like her she doesn't like to start fights
End of pov

Hectors pov:

I saw what happened with y/n and some girl i heard the boys talking about where her anger came from that's when it clicked and I knew. She may have said it was to protect her and mar but a little of the anger was probably what her parents have done to her. I had to go to her. I went to her spot and there she was  the wind blowing and touching her skin as I saw her eyes red. She was crying I went over to her and sat next to her and just hugged her I know she was mad at me but I knew she needed it and without hesitation she hugged back not caring it was me.

Hector: I'm sorry
Y/N: whyd you do that to mar, whyd you push him away once he admitted feelings for me and went to you for advice.

I liked her I wanna tell her I still kinda like her I know she's with mattia and she probably doesn't like me back because she's probably doesn't want to ruin our friendship even though I already have.

Hector: I- It doesn't matter
Y/N: just tell me hector it's the only way I will understand and forgive you
Hector: I liked you too okay and i knew you would fall for mar because you told me you had a little feelings for him and I knew I wouldn't have the chance so I pushed him and lied to you saying he didn't want to hang with us anymore. And I..... I still like you......

I looked down in sadness scared for her response.

Y/N: hector if you had feelings for me that's fine but you didn't have to push him away he wouldn't have taken me away from you because I known you longer and we would still have had the friendship. You could have told me bubba.
Hector: I'm sorry I really am
Y/N: it's okay but you need to talk to mar, also why did you snitch
Hector: I will and because I was mad you didn't Invite me you always invited me to things
Y/n: I was mad at you hector I didn't wanna talk to you
Hector: I have a question though are you okay precious?
Y/N: I...  I hurt her bubba I hurt her bad
Hector: why did you do it
Y/N: she called me a whore and she was being rude to mar and talking bad about me
Hector: those hits you did looked like anger y/n you sure part of it wasn't because of your parents

She stayed silent and I knew the answer

Y/N: they hurt me I still have hurt in my body hector I have so much pain, I would have been gone by now up there hopefully

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